
it's disability pride month so I'd better not see you fuckers being casually ableist for a short primer, this includes words like "stupid" "lame" "insane" "crazy" and phrases like "are you blind?!" and "falling on deaf ears" real quick solution, use accurate language. or just shut your mouth
I wanna clarify some things. Is "idiotic" a valid substitute for "stupid" and is it okay to call non-human events and things "insane" or "crazy"? Like, if someone does something really cool and skillful, is it okay to say "that was insane"?
If "idiotic" is not a valid substitute, what is?
All of these things are ableist use of language. Alternatives: - ignorant - thoughtless - careless - an asshole/dick (because I’d it really their intelligence? Or are they just an asshole?) - bonkers - wild - mind-boggling - bananas - incredible - unbelievable - astounding
I don't see how ignorant or asshole/dick are ableist. Ignorant refers to lack of knowledge. It has nothing to do with how your brain works. Asshole/dick doesn't have anything to do with disabilities at all.
Correct, that is why I’m offering them as alternatives to the ableist language you cited.
Oh, I thought you were saying they were ableist too.
I would personally say "bonkers" and "bananas" are ableist too though if you use them to refer to a person.
I agree, but you specifically asked about ways to describe events. I’m not suggesting they be used to broadly describe a person.