I'm Margaret! I'm the best! Blah blah blah!

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I'm Margaret! I'm the best! Blah blah blah!


Reading, procrastinating, and no longer living out of a backpack in places both familiar and foreign, because it's (still) a damn pandemic. Mercenary educator. She/her.
many adoptees even have living parents who actively would love to parent them!!! you have no idea how fucked this system is or why someone might have been placed in foster care or adoption. idk it costs nothing not to be insensitive with wording like this.
stuck on a post from yesterday that was like “what do you do with kids who don’t have parents?” and i want to point out that adoptees do actually have parents. we do not spawn at the doorstep of our adopters. your parents being out of your life or having passed away doesn’t make them not yours.
I myself have 7 tiny cups but some of my colleagues have over 20 tiny cups and this is how marine biologists determine rank in our society
People say scientists are serious but marine biologists will spend hours quietly sitting around tables drawing on styrofoam cups and then tying said cups to deep sea submarines Because ocean pressure will squeeze the air from the cups And we are but human & we want tiny cup
A dude blocked the exit of the grocery store today and coughed aggressively maybe 2 feet from my face while I was holding hands with a four-year-old. It’s definitely getting worse for people who mask. This is the bay area where it used to be air quotes “safer”
just got screamed at for wearing a mask in a busy Silicon Valley downtown. A large man got in my face and bellowed that I’m a “shady fuck”
I made COLOR TASTE TEXTURE! I’m an Autistic classically trained chef and I wrote a first-of-it’s-kind all-ages guide and cookbook for food aversions that is based on radical and enthusiastic acceptance of sensory processing differences.
Really hope we can dispense once and for all with the notion that Trump voters are suffering, misguided, and misunderstood when they’re being so vocally and insistently like “we want ethnic cleansing.”
I've seen a lot of one-offs of people holding these signs, but what is truly chilling is a sea of these being held up by delegates.
Sha’Carri Richardson prepping the block. photo by Elijah Agurs.
I don’t like to be indirect. So I’m telling you that I have active cancer and the health care workers refuse to mask. So for the fourth time in a cow I have come home SICK from CHEMOTHERAPY. You can’t tell by looking who is sick. It feels like I’m paying them to kill me. Please wear a mask.
I don't understand, how did President Biden catch COVID, he told me (over and over and over and over and over again) that he Ended The Pandemic
President Biden has tested positive for COVID
In case you didn't know, there's an accessibility option to show larger (original size) alt text badges
almost nothing as a single factor more clearly delineates the exploitative nature of labor under capitalism, yet they turn away decisively from this issue that compounds all other class marginalization +all worker livelihood barriers (nobody can afford to keep suffering exposures)
13yo and I are amusing ourselves at breakfast by looking up “raccoon” on google translate and seeing how many languages were like “yup, that’s a bear doing its laundry” - German: Waschbär (washbear) - Danish: vaskebjørn (wash bear) - Bulgarian: миеща мечка (washing machine bear)
It is popular to say “listen to Black women” in this very fetishizing way that treats Black women as some kind of magical fortune teller. And yet many of the people who treat that phrase as a mantra won’t treat Black people as the experts on their own lives. Very telling!
Like the fact that so many people on this website have switched to “trans people just learned about oppression” and straight up “they just say they are women on their profiles” IS DISTURBING
Seven months later, and it’s only gotten worse. Yet again, misogynoir is the canary in the coal mine of how atrociously people will treat both black folks and women. (And yes, that fully includes how atrociously both those groups will treat their own members in order to feel proximity to power.)
Hi, if you don't have black women on your feed telling you that Bsky is a hostile place for them to exist, (a) expand your feeds (b) now you have a nice white lady telling you the same How do I know? Because I believe them when they say it.
Something I’m finding increasingly weird about how the candidates are covered is that, aside from celebrity gossip stuff, everyone seems obsessed with how people might vote, as if people choose based on what they think *other people* want and not what they want Do they?
For a sitting US Senator to say that immigrants aren't Americans just because they weren't born here is, literally, heresy. And he can fuck the entire fuck off with it, because even though it's a heresy that's existed in some fashion for a long time, it's still heresy.
The America I want to live in is the one where we take all those soaring promises about equality and opportunity and freedom in our sacred texts and do the work to make them real and make them apply to fucking everyone, not just the rich white men who wrote them.
On Saturday a wholesome afternoon of fantasizing about concentration camps and plotting to overturn the coming election was disrupted by violence
In researching the next book a trauma expert told me offhandedly she believed most political issues and controversies came down to an argument over whether kids and young people should suffer the same abuse as the previous generation and boy oh boy is that on my mind a lot recently.
"We turned out fine" OK but here's the thing, did you.
Me on a good pain day, doing fun activities: “This is so great! Why don’t I do this all the time?! It’s not that much effort, I have no excuse for not doing this more often.” Me the next day, happy to pay the price of my fun but getting a strong reminder that I am, in fact, disabled: “Oh. Right.”
Black people have been forced to morally compromise ourselves for survival working for companies that at best don’t like us since slavery ended. There is no place you can work that’s 100% pure
Seven months later, and it’s only gotten worse. Yet again, misogynoir is the canary in the coal mine of how atrociously people will treat both black folks and women. (And yes, that fully includes how atrociously both those groups will treat their own members in order to feel proximity to power.)
Hi, if you don't have black women on your feed telling you that Bsky is a hostile place for them to exist, (a) expand your feeds (b) now you have a nice white lady telling you the same How do I know? Because I believe them when they say it.
Hey, @bencollins.bsky.social , this request still stands.
I really need the @theonion.com to make one of their classic Point/Counterpoints, one side discussing scientific studies about what COVID does to the body, high profile cases of Long COVID, and trends of what's happening at the population level, And the other side rebutting, "I was told it's mild."
all i know is that if i have to go to fucking threads to get interesting commentary from black people because white people can't stop swarming their mentions here, the entire atproto bluesky experiment will have been an abject failure, regardless of what their technical goals were
It’s a good day to subscribe to the Unclear and Present Danger Patreon. Show Jamelle Bouie some love
The ONLY downside of living so close to the beach is that I have to walk the wrong direction to buy myself a little snack.