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Dazed and confused, and still strangely certain of most things. Voted least likely to turn fascist any time soon.
I don’t but the IANAL abbreviation. In my experience the lawyers are the anal ones. Not me.
Making a big thing of Biden not giving an interview, while disregarding that Trump only speaks to partisan media, acknowledges the huge asymmetry between them that Sausageburger works so hard to ignore.
The allure of fascism is that *your* ideas of good society will be enforced. The reality of fascism is that you can’t ever know what that will actually turn out to be. Moving goal posts is a feature, not a bug, and history is full of people going “you were supposed to do this to them, not us!”.
Today I got two common sayings all mixed up and suggested in a meeting that all creatives should be more willing to kill their babies.
Fallout on Prime is surprisingly good. Lots, and I mean lots, of lore box checking for the fans, but most of it is done in the background and without comment. Of course, some of those fans have already blown most of their gaskets on account of diverse representation in the casting. That’s a bonus.
This time around “but her emails” will be replace by “but his friend Bibi”. Trump can not win by gaining so many more votes. There’s a finite amount of people he can fool. But he can surely win by denying Biden votes and he’ll have a lot of friends helping out in the endeavor.
Appreciating this little guy. Hooray!
Strange that during my lifetime, go from a world where fascism and related beliefs are considered unacceptable and condemned, to one where they just represent another view. I can’t overstate how absolutely weird this feels.
Politics in the modern media landscape is a lot like school, with its logic of expectations. The good kids get derided for not acing their tests. The bad kids get praised for not burning down the school house.
I want to like The New Look on ATV+ but I just can’t get past the first ten minutes. Native English speaking actors doing hammy French accents… Seriously? It’s set in France. I think as an audience we can figure out they’re supposed to speak French.
Patient 45 was the last test subject before Neuralink started experimenting with monkeys.
Sometimes, when buying things a bit more expensive, I’ll make a spreadsheet detailing my options. Deal with it.
Turns out, if you replace all members of your organization with raving, fucking imbeciles, it stops functioning properly.
“Do you have any specific weaknesses?” “I sometimes procrastinate…” “Interesting. How do you deal with it in your day to day?” “…” “So…” “Can we do this question on the follow up?”
Candidate A: After reducing poverty and fixing the economy I’ll…eh…well, something. I forgot. Candidate B: I will be a dictator and…we will have concentration camps. Very beatiful. If Putin asks, sir, can I invade…uh…man, camera, person. I am very smart... *dances* NYT: two equal contenders…
Tomorrow is canceled due to lack of interest.
Is this a physical property, or perhaps just mental conditioning. When I read on a screen, my brain is already expecting half of it to be irrelevant.
We’ve managed to get ourselves into a position where only one metric matters anymore: value creation. All human activity is tied to it. We’ve taken the basest of human instincts—greed and disregard for the plight of others—and made them our only guidning principles. We will not survive this.
It seems to me, a slightly ignorant outsider, that the constitutional framework of the US has everything needed to deal with all kinds of anti-democratic chicanery. From gerrymandering and voter suppression to outright insurrection. It’s just not really been used until now.
Everyone knows about the 14th Amendment Sec 3 cases. But there's also a 14th Amendment Sec 2 case, which if successful would strip congressional seats & electoral votes from states that disenfranchise voters. Longtime civil rights attorney Michael Meltsner explains:
After Section 3 Comes Section The election lawsuit about the 14th Amendment that you might not know about
“Breaking news for the world today is that the new president of the world is a man of integrity and integrity and he is a great man and a great leader and a great person and a great man…” It just keeps ranting like that. Now what does *that* remind me of…
Ok RT this with "breaking news:" followed by whatever autocomplete suggests, eg: Breaking news: "I was thinking of it but to the curse of the world cup and the last one is the best way to get to the US"
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Reagan and Thatcher, the architects of the crooked shit we're living in today. Both absolute cunts
Has The New York Times started releasing content yet re-examining the legacy of Richard Nixon, or are we still waiting for it?
I know AI is scary and shit but have you considered how amazing the porn will be those few years leading up to our annihilation?
Sometimes I’ll take a swag of whiskey and immediately follow up with a mouthful of fruit soda. It’s like a 7 and 7 but saves me washing a glass.
How convenient that we switched from the old “human intellectual activity” to the far more modern label “content”. It not only streamlines monetization, but also helps us feel less sad when we get machines do it on the cheap. It’s like a lot less of who we are is lost.
Billy, 8 yrs old, is playing with daddy’s CAD software. “I’m going to build a car - just like papa does!”. Into it he pours all the sensibilities an 8 year old have about cars. When trying to save he accidentally sends it to daddy’s client. Elon: “Finally someone gets me! This is a keeper!”
When I was young I believed democracy was a system that allowed me to vote for the leaders who best represented my beliefs. Wiser now, I know it’s about voting for the leaders who least oppose those beliefs.
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Imagine her trying to introduce herself in France