
AI image generator shuts down due to lack of profit 🎻
I mean even the biggest ones aren't profitable, and there are SO MANY, this was just a matter of time.
The tide of feeling against this stuff is so huge, let's hope it's enough.
The general feeling from regular folk (at least that i've spoken to) are people are just sick of EVERYTHING being A/I, much the same as how NFT's got run into the ground. By the time corps have done PR to try and change peoples minds the bubble will have burst and most will have shut
So far, no genAI platform/program/etc has been actually profitable. Like NFTs, techbros are pushing it hard, trying to sell it and the moment they get a good amount of money from investors, will pack their suitcases up and run for the hills. As for the general public, nobody likes or wants it.
Most people are predicting the "bubble" to burst by the end of the year and quite frankly? It couldn't come soon enough.
As far as the general public go, we're all living in an cost of living crisis, nobody is doing well apart from the rich...and then you have companies saying how their A/I will replace them and it is REALLY rubbing people the wrong way. It's a master class in how not to sell your product lol
Was reading something a couple of weeks ago (can't find the link now apologies) saying it would mean up to eight MILLION people out of work, which would crash the economy, because we simply couldn't support that level of unemployment. That, or necessitate a wealth tax and UBI.
Quite apart from how artists and creatives feel about it, and how utterly soulless it is, plus its levels of bland verisimilitude, it's just not financially feasible.
Something to note, most A/I (at least image wise) looks the same, and thats not what people want. People want to see new exciting styles and stories, and A/I can only be trained on whats come before, nothing new can come from it.
that and I think AI’s overly rendered “signature” style has become off putting, like it’s just cheap and weird (that said it can actually do a lot more styles than that now but that’s what you see mostly)
Oh i believe it. Many companies will try, but some have already found that the tools just aren't up to the task... and are having to rehire.
lol “oh no! the AI will take eveyones jobs! whatever will we do” <- I dunno that’s kind of a self correcting problem in several directions
and it’s mind boggling how the media and people eat that shit up. They’re saying it’s the future…because they’re being told it is. Not because of that Gen AI can acrually do