

Chemical engineer, (former) paraglider pilot, dad who feels inadequate next to Bandit Heeler, holding my breath the Whoniverse doesn't go the way of the MCU.
My god if you didnt already love her, just this...
Prescott's reaction was very impressive - watch it. Absolutely instinctive left jab - you can tell he'd boxed.
Yeah cos the soundtrack by Vangelis was shit, right? Not literally one of the greatest movie soundtracks of all time
I saw the prepublicity for "Sucker Punch" and it pushed ALL my buttons. The film literally put me to sleep. HOW can you make hot women in fetish outfits fighting giant samurai and dragons *boring*? It's a particular form of genius, I'll say that.
Just false, not least because the staff in Booths are northerners, and the staff in waitrose are southerners, so obviously...
"What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge bullets?" "No, I'm trying to tell you that when you're ready... You won't have to"
File under "i wish I'd thought of that"
Tell me you're autistic without saying you're autistic. (also... I do this too, but with up to six digits (it started with phone numbers when i was a kid and people still needed to remember them))
Isn't the entire point of love potion that it overrides consent?
They are EXTREMELY entertaining children's cinema, and in the real world a demonstration of how merchandising extended the life and profits of an IP. As with everything, you'll always find it's more complicated.
That's why I said "usually". I didnt notice the Eugenics Wars or the rise of Khan, for instance.
Also "homelessness is going to get worse before it gets better" was never what is call a reach
Yeah, Margaret Thatchers government really wanted the IRA and anything favourable to them off the tv... and this counted
E.g., if the Sinn Fein leader (an elected UK MP) ever appeared on tv, anything he said had to be dubbed DELIBERATELY BADLY SYNC'D, by an actor.
Star Trek's predictions for what's coming are usually rubbish but this... This at least looks like it's not ridiculous. Which is all the more amazing when you remember that when it came out, the episode that line is in was ILLEGAL TO BROADCAST in England, literally because of that line
Such a thing must exist, because trump couldn't read all the way to the end of a Pizza Hut menu
I know what each of those words mean individually but I have no frikkin idea what they all mean together in that order
"A bagged machine needs emptying every few months" - and that is why they don't work, and proof they don't work, if you think about it
He'll take a lesson from his mate Trump and keep saying increasingly unhinged clickbait bullshit so they can't not report it.
In fact most of the best Lennon songs were by Innes. He really was an under-appreciated genius
My leftist principles will be IN POWER, or they will be self-indulgent bullshit. (with apologies to Flavia Dzodan)
Some of us hated her from day one
He is trying to lose as catastrophically as possible. It's the only explanation. Nobody is that stupid
Funnily enough the UK will be freeing itself tomorrow