
Sunak's right, though. It absolutely does tell you what kind of prime minister he is that he cannot successfully carry through a personal project even when it is backed by large majorities of both parties.
see if you make it to election day. Also, again, this is absolutely terrible stuff that really makes it sound like he just snapped yesterday and called an election on a whim
Serious question: do you think that journalists contempt/disbelief at him, will feed through to coverage? Or will Sky etc do straight reporting of his interviews while the reporters roll their eyes
I think it will inadvertently feed through, i.e. the BBC going 'Keir Starmer, in the dry' on launch day, the choice of photos and whatnot on the broadcasters websites and apps.
The Conservatives will by the end of the campaign have plenty of legitimate complaints about things that did obviously breach impartiality in terms of being too obviously eye-rolly. They won't be deliberate breaches but they will be there.
Ofcom: “During an interview with a Conservative and Count Binface your reporter laughed openly.” Broadcaster: “It was not a significant breach of impartiality. The candidate is clearly standing as a joke, has no serious policies and no expectation of winning.” Ofcom: “And Count Binface?”
I recorded a thing with Bonface the other week and he was, genuinely, incredibly smart and thoughtful
Not a surprise tbh, seemed a better all-round package than any other London mayoral candidate. That's why I voted for him at any rate.
I know his secret identity and he is genuinely very smart, lovely, incredibly insightful and honestly the kind of person that should be running the country. All Binface power to him