
As the UK is not the US, it's probably not necessary to start planning the next election now, given that it's five years away. Like between now and then pretty much anything could happen and probably will given the world as she is now.
If you'd predicted a 2024 Labour landslide immediately after the last election, the people around you would have called an ambulance.
I imagine Labour will have some resource on 'campaigning' still, but I hope that doesn't dominate decision making. (Did you see Ian Dunt's piece in this context?
Didn't see it. But while I expect then to all keep at it to some degree, unless there's a plague at some point over the next five years, Labour is not going anywhere in that time.
I guess it's a similar situation as the US where if they have to expend most of their efforts rolling back the damage of the previous administration they won't win the upcoming popularity contest.
It's just that it's five years away and anything could happen in that time. It seems a bit pointless to start gaming things not even a week after the election.
I just mean that if they are being forced to spend the bulk of the five years repairing the damage then they better try communicate that fact rather than flail around and get ripped to shreds by the opposition and the media.
I get that, but it still seems a flowover from the US where they have important elections every 2 years, so you've no sooner got people in power than you start hearing about the House of Representatives, etc. right away.