
look this is all very straightforward. this is called hysterical fear. these kids are scared genuinely shitless of trump. but instead of processing that in a productive way they displace it into this delusional thought that somehow replacing biden will save them from their fear.
indeed precisely because it won't happen--it *obviously* is not going to happen that biden steps out--that it becomes the locus of their obsession. they need to fixate on something impossible "that would totally save us all" because then they'll never have to be wrong
and at the same time this lets them off the hook for actually doing anything productive towards making sure biden wins and trump loses. that's what makes it hysterical fear. it's not productive. it is DYS FUNCTIONAL.
and, as freud teaches, it is *psychologically dysfunctionally* too. it doesn't actually make them less afraid. they're still fucking terrified. they're just trapped in a bad equilibrium that they can't imagine escaping.
fear: it is in fact the mind killer, friends.
It's a hot day. Might just have an 🍦🎉🥳🎊
When you surround an army, leave an outlet free.This does not mean that the enemy is to be allowed to escape. The object, as Tu Mu puts it, is 示以生路令無必死之心 “to make him believe that there is a road to safety, and thus prevent his fighting with the courage of despair.”
Tu Mu adds pleasantly: 因而擊之 “After that, you may crush him.” — Sun Tzu, c. 544 BCE – c. 496 BCE/c. 470 BCE, the art of war, chapter 7, axiom 36.
🎶 Fear is the only enemy that I still know
Or that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself