
look this is all very straightforward. this is called hysterical fear. these kids are scared genuinely shitless of trump. but instead of processing that in a productive way they displace it into this delusional thought that somehow replacing biden will save them from their fear.
indeed precisely because it won't happen--it *obviously* is not going to happen that biden steps out--that it becomes the locus of their obsession. they need to fixate on something impossible "that would totally save us all" because then they'll never have to be wrong
and at the same time this lets them off the hook for actually doing anything productive towards making sure biden wins and trump loses. that's what makes it hysterical fear. it's not productive. it is DYS FUNCTIONAL.
and, as freud teaches, it is *psychologically dysfunctionally* too. it doesn't actually make them less afraid. they're still fucking terrified. they're just trapped in a bad equilibrium that they can't imagine escaping.
fear: it is in fact the mind killer, friends.
It's a hot day. Might just have an 🍦🎉🥳🎊
When you surround an army, leave an outlet free.This does not mean that the enemy is to be allowed to escape. The object, as Tu Mu puts it, is 示以生路令無必死之心 “to make him believe that there is a road to safety, and thus prevent his fighting with the courage of despair.”
Tu Mu adds pleasantly: 因而擊之 “After that, you may crush him.” — Sun Tzu, c. 544 BCE – c. 496 BCE/c. 470 BCE, the art of war, chapter 7, axiom 36.
🎶 Fear is the only enemy that I still know
Or that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself
Yes. If this could at least somehow light a fire under our collective ass to do more to GOTV. It feels like we've all been sleepwalking off a cliff.
and I can't imagine anything I care about less than "being wrong" right now. If they were to turn out to be right and Biden ended up stepping down or y'know just dying in the next few weeks-I really hope they're right about a brokered convention being better somehow. Will gladly be wrong.
It’s messiah complex manifest. Imagined heroes when all they have to do is look in the mirror and vote in November and get every person they know to do so as well.
The tell is how many of them skip over Harris, who is a known quantity - and thus doesn't mitigate the hysterical fear, since it's not hard to imagine Harris losing to Trump as much as Biden. So they have to go hysterical about some fake hypothetical alternative that makes them feel comfy.
Some of these people want Biden to step aside to open up the convention for their own theatrical agenda. Do not overlook the influence of the "burn it down" left who happily serve as instruments of the right.
Yeah the best thing to do here is let people work themselves into a puddle and touch grass until they've finished. Nobody's going to stop this level of hysteria with good info/reasonable takes.
Kids? 64% of the party said they didn’t want him to run and they ignored them. The blame is squarely on the party and their defenders this was unbelievably predictable and it’s wildly annoying to be gaslit now like there is no way to fix this. Liberals lack of imagination is going to screw us
But North Carolina wanted him, and Biden knows who his base is, and he's been working to deliver to his base, with some extras like forgiven student loans and, oh yeah, large dollars on renewable energy for the kids. For the future.
Biden has ignored his base that has been asking him to stop the madness in Gaza. Antagonizing folks like me that have voted for Dems since I could vote and I will NOT be. If they replace him I will change my mind.
And just what do you think Donald Trump is going to do to Palestine? You know the answer because he's told us. He said he will help Netanyahu "finish the job." His own words. And that doesn't even count what he'll do to American women, blacks, gays… I don't think I like your conscience.
People have a right to their own beliefs. Our personal experience colors how we see the world. I think all we can do is ask people to receive verified new information with open minds, and vote with their hearts. But also I agree about Trump. I believe in office he will kill more than 30,000 people
Pregnant people, immigrants, trans kids. The rate of Black maternal mortality is already unconscionably high. But let's not insult a real person's conscience.
Can I ask, how long have you been on Bluesky?
Just joined because Elon turned Twitter to a joke. But if you are asking insisting i am a bot or trolling you can look me up on TikTok Videos up for years
Thank you. Glad to know you are legit. Me too. Very sorry that you can't see your way clear to voting for Biden, but I'm a 67-year old liberal, white woman, so I will not pretend to know better than you what you need to do.
idk how anyone can look at biden and be like "hell yeah thats my president" the guy can barely function. even if he makes it to November hes gonna struggle through the next 4 years. the dnc should have propped someone else up over the last 4 years but they didnt and no were fucked.