
want to co-sign this one especially. people talk about the dynamics of social media like people haven't been believing crazy shit since forever. satanic panic. blood libel. witch burnings. take your pick. the medium is new and important to understand, but the fundamentals less so.
All of history is people believing outrageous falsehoods because those falsehoods were widely or universally echoed in their community. What do you think happens when those communities become mass media, and then unregulated mass media shaped almost entirely the imperative of online virality?
in other words: the nature of humanity is self-consciousness (😭)
Mikey with pop-rocks and soda; Procter & Gamble supporting Satan, Rod Stewart and the volume of material his pumped stomach brought up; Richard Gere, ducttape and gerbils.
this is patently ridiculous. without my social media I am perfectly lucid and unaffected in any way by the madding crowd. now if you'll excuse me I have to go buy all the tulips in the world, later