Dr Sjúrður Hammer

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Dr Sjúrður Hammer


Islander Seabird ecotoxicology, biomarkers - biodiversity and invasive species. Hoarder of bird skulls, feathers & eggshells. Natural history books and taxidermy are my love languages. University of Aberdeen and Glasgow alumni
OK who put Ibisbills in with Oystercatchers?! We're gonna have to go outside and "discuss" this...
The shark doctor is in! Ask me anything. Have questions about sharks? Marine biology? Ocean conservation? Me? Anything at all? Ask me anything! Ask away, my flight is in two hours and I’m bored. Tag friends who might have questions, and please share! 🧪🦑🌎
Researchgate are you alright?
Here’s an element of my teaching philosophy. If one student has a question, maybe just they didn’t understand the topic. If several students ask the same question, it probably means I didn’t explain it well enough. If I get the same question from 3+ students, I email the answer to everyone.
Nice day deploy GPS loggers on Northern fulmar #seabirds #biologging 🌍🧪
📢 FUNDING OPPORTUNITY Applications now open for our Small Research Grants and Career Development Bursaries Funding #ornithology around the globe Deadline: 31 October 2024 ➡️ Research Grants: bou.org.uk/funding/s... ➡️ Bursaries: bou.org.uk/funding/c...#ornithology around the globe Deadline: 31 October 2024 ➡️ Research Grants: bou.org.uk/funding/s... ➡️ Bursaries: bou.org.uk/funding/c...
A tiny, rare fragment of wild native habitat around a rushing river at Puleen, Beara. These places exist only because they're inaccessible to sheep + other grazers. We *know* what's required for nature to return. #Rewilding 🌎
Going public with an experience like this is life-altering for a woman, so when you read these stories remember both the extraordinary amount of courage involved and also the likelihood that there are many others you’ll never hear.
Tonight I saw a good and decent man who may be past his prime, but has made great progress on a lot of issues I care about. And I saw a terrifying lying crazy person who would destroy a lot of things I care about, if not the country itself.
Lately, journalists have asked if scientists didn't warn us enough, or didn't know how bad climate change would be. Scientists did their jobs. It's fossil fuel companies who lied about climate impacts FOR DECADES. They're to blame for these heat waves. www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024...
‘Smoking gun proof’: fossil fuel industry knew of climate danger as early as 1954, documents showwww.theguardian.com Documents show industry-backed Air Pollution Foundation uncovered the severe harm climate change would wreak
This looks good, by @robthomasbirds.bsky.social "The first definitive work on the European Storm-petrel and its relatives, by one of the world's leading experts on the species." There's a pre-order offer before publication on 18 July. #Seabirds #Ornithology www.bloomsbury.com/uk/stormpetr...
In order to make the trapping as good as possible, I estimate predicted hatching date using egg volume over mass Aldará et al (doi.org/10.61350/sbj...) #fieldcraft #seabirds 🌍🧪
Magnificent birds great skuas #seabirds
A taste of what rewilding might look like in Ireland. Our nation is more in need of wild places than virtually any other on the entire planet. Time to start letting nature come back: into our land, into our lives. 🌎
It's not harmless. It's not "just an innocent thing" to be fooled by AI. You NEED to be able to discern and differentiate reality. You NEED to know how the world works on a basic level. Because fooling you with baby animals and flowers is just the start of something much worse.
We are heading towards 3°C #globalwarming. What will it be like? And how can we prevent it, with the help of nature-based solutions? New book - open access! springerprofessional.de/3-degrees-mo... All chapters can be downloaded for free (including mine).
The @adriftlab.bsky.social is looking for applicants to the Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship scheme! We do cutting-edge research on the effects of #PlasticPollution on wildlife, mixing lab & field tools. Folks with CT/morphology or wildlife acoustics experience particularly encouraged!
My recent story on Tromelin Island has been syndicated to @theatlantic.bsky.social — great to see seabird conservation getting a bigger stage! 🌍🧪
A Rat Purge Saved This Islandwww.theatlantic.com Eliminating the rodents was all it took to revive a seabird paradise.