Doctor The Frog

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Doctor The Frog

Disabled (MCAS and long COVID). Not-so-happily retired geriatrician/palliative doc turned professional gambler. My skeets do reflect the opinions of my current employers (The Tiny House Panther and The Emergency Backup Cat). 🏳️‍🌈
That's probably also true. But here's a data point in favor of the original hypothesis. This is The Tiny House Panther. He is normally not in the slightest bit food motivated... (continued)
Recognizing a verbal misstatement and immediately correcting it is not a sign of cognitive deficit. It's actually evidence against it.
I present you with: Count Binface
I used to think that the election scenes from shows (like the second series of Blackadder) were hyperbole until the internet allowed me to see the actual lineups.
Antique doorstop for sale. Cheap.
This is Millie, the Emergency Backup Cat.
Hello. I have nothing useful to contribute, probably. But here's a picture of a cat.
Others who seem to be happier than I am right now: The Tiny House Panther who heard me printing something and was reminded that the printer is a nice place to sleep.
Wasn't actually kidding about the beloved poet part either. Here's one he published after becoming president.
I was actually trying to make a joke about unsolicited advice. But now I'm conflicted. Because I also have an answer. :) I guess I'll become the guy I was trying to make fun of. This one has caffeine (in case that's a no-go) and is really hard to mix up. But it tastes good to me.
Today's one says this. Okay. That was definitely never on the truck then.
Sometimes I'll get this version:
I use the Swiss Interest Group list, based on rah's recommendation. I'd been frustrated by the contradictions and clear mistakes on other lists. I clearly just misread it (or forgot that it only cleared sweet paprika).
Okay. Enough doomerism. Here's something okay that happened. I got a new set of loppers. And I lopped a bunch of stuff. They were very efficient for lopping. I may pay for it later today or tomorrow, but I was pretty productive.
The Tiny House Panther is flat.
And to compensate for putting you through that really boring's a picture of a cat. This is the Emergency Backup Cat. She is sitting on the cat tray (which I sometimes put the keyboard on, if I'm permitted). She desperately needs to be brushed, but is not permitting brushing today.
(1/2) I have a prescription (with a ridiculous list price) that is temperature sensitive. My insurance insists that it be delivered to me. They do not have any tracking for me or notice that it has been delivered. I should have gotten it by now, so I checked their website. This is what it says:
It's Caturday? We probably need a picture of the Tiny House Panther perched on the official cat-sitting cutout of the tub.
Expiation is a good word. Maybe I should screw up more so I can use it more often. :) There are two ways into the kitchen. She has taken to lying down on the floor guarding one of the entrances. So I've had to sneak around to the other one. Unfortunately, she caught on and cut me off there too:
Tiny House Panther is getting into the Flat Fuck Friday spirit.
Me: I've been doing well recently. No flares. Maybe I'll branch out again and try a dinner with some comfort food that I've been missing. Something I've been avoiding for a bit because it's ON THE LIST. I'll just take some extra meds. I'm sure I'll have a nice symptom-free evening: My mast cells:
Literally told me that it was on the truck and expected by 10 PM today. I ordered it from them in the first place because it would be delivered today. Otherwise I would have had to go out to town to get it. Now this:
I had another errand to run today. So I grabbed some beer. I'll probably have one or two tonight (and cellar the other ones). The selection of beers that I like was pretty thin at the store I went to. I didn't want to drive to another. So I got these. Out of season.