
"Complaining online isn't going to change anything." Okay, maybe not, but at least it fucking feels good.
Also, I’m not sure it’s not changing things. I think this is a very boomer ideal. Nowadays we are seeing revolutions caused through online organization. And ones that don’t hinge on minorities being body shields. Maybe America is due.
Mob mentality is scary, but it’s also a relic from a time before mobs could fact check and bifurcate at the speed of thought. I keep thinking about 2020 or the Pro Palestinian protests and change that is slowly being enacted because of online complaining.
Sure. This gives us Q Anon too. But it also lifted the veil of the whole thing too. And the Alt Right.
The thing that gives me the most comfort is that the fact that online is becoming more powerful, they want to ban people from talking on it. So be angry. And be loud.
Sorry to rant all over your post. Again.