
TIL the reason half the original Power Rangers left was the show was NON UNION & paid them almost nothing even after raging success (!!!) They asked for unionization & better contracts & the show refused Mega popular, $1B in merch & they wouldn't even give the actors union *minimum* pay. Appalling
I wasn't a fan per se but seeing an Asian superhero on TV did matter to me Turns out they were hiring super young actors & treating them horribly Massive safety violations, homophobia, & paying minimum wage or less. One of the actors was sleeping in his car -- like wtaf
Yep, the actors apparently had no idea how big the show even was until they did an event at Universal that slowed the 101 to a crawl for half a day. When they asked for real money they were replaced.
Un-fucking-believable Wish there had been social media back then. If ever a studio deserved to be utterly destroyed by its fans
Yeah it took a comparatively long time for that story to get out.
I'm honestly shocked I'm just learning about it considering what a phenomenon the show was. I feel like they just... got away with it 😡
So many people were working for low wages or "experience." IIRC, those actors were hired unagented, so likely they signed contracts that screwed them. I could go on for hours about Reaganism and working in Hollywood in the 90s, but I've got other commitments 😄
yuppppppp. And YOUNG, too, all playing teens -- it's such classic exploitation gosh I have so many hours of feelings about the whole long history of exploiting people's dreams in Hollywood and why we needed a union so desperately in the first place but same 🤣
they were done so dirty. and I remember how TV Guide had put it to a reader asking why they'd left, which sounds absolutely gross now that I also know this information.
There were lots of bad things happening there and this was just scratching the surface
Yeah, I feel like whoever wrote that TV Guide reply needs to, uh, really think about why they replied that the actors "asked for too much money" when all that was going on. (/rhetorical)
Right?? People see "actors want more $" & think they're making millions and they want double millions Instead they were making literally less than they would at MacDonald's & the ridiculous hours they were working the pay was probably even illegal? Like, manipulative sweatshop acting, I'm incensed
And the cheap bastard behind it was a huge Clinton backer.
Saban, major piece of shit. Just did a massive fundraiser with Biden at his private home
The actor that played Billy got wrecked so hard.
Hi, PR Voice actor with multiple seasons under my belt (Monsters). (Go ahead, ask about the pay rate for a 4 hour session that leave one's voice so rekt I cant do a corporate gig for a week after)
AoNZ, where it was filmed for 20+ years is a non-union market..Thats the #1 reason they filmed here.. we don't have an actors union.. we have a 'guild', which has zero actual bargaining power..
eh.. it is what it is.. With the exchange rate, they get pro voices for around 1/3 of what an actual union voice in the US would cost them. 4 hour sessions of this ..
Dallas Barnett Character Voice Reel Animation, Video Games, Character voices. NZ Based American VO artist. Bookings: [email protected]
It was so abrupt too. Wide shots of them silhouetted with terrible sound a likes saying they all have to go to Europe for some reason