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most of you will probably know me already from my extensive canon of chillers
pretty unfair that many of the springsteen songs i fell in love with as a teenager now fill me with an overwhelming, visceral sadness. what the fuck’s up with that
niche skeet but i’m on season 4 of RHOBH and carlton gebbia’s house is a francesca lia block novel
the numbers are in and the song of the summer is…yes that’s right, “malibu” by hole
mr. gorbachev, we’re gonna go spring breakers
People Laugh at the Wrong Things in Movies Now: An Inquiry Into What the Hell is Going On
the most beautiful thing ever written
one of the best things about the thong song is the moment after the key change, when sisqo cries, “baby! that thong!” the heightened drama insinuating in the mind of the listener that the thong—and by extension the butt in it—has grown Larger
we used to make ART in this country
one thing the andrew scott ripley show gets right is how important it is to get to your vacation spot a few days early so you have time for picturesque solo wandering before the evil group activities
“where is my marlboro man?” paula cole asks. well i’ll tell you, paula. he’s GONE. now we just have the VAPE MAN. you know why? because of WO—[zeus’ lightning bolt obliterates me instantly]
i regret to inform everyone that i’ve been doing something called “slugging” and it appears to work wonders on my skin
really bad how often i get browbeaten into shouting “fine! i will purchase the pricey goop!” simply because a product showed up on my instagram feed seven thousand times
having something called “disgusting miserable girl summer”…..who wants in
implies the exciting possibility of the Burger Éminence Grise
24 hour drone fest is such a great concept because if the coded messages you’re receiving are making you feel unwell at any point you can just take a little walk and they’ll let you back in as long as you have a wristband
all things are possible thru challengers soundtrack
really bad how often i get browbeaten into shouting “fine! i will purchase the pricey goop!” simply because a product showed up on my instagram feed seven thousand times
utterly perplexed that this has nothing to do with andrew dice clay
Reposted byAvatar alyssa
i am glad america's educational elites and fascist scum could come together to send the clear message that if you oppose genocide we will kick the shit out of you and then arrest you for aggravated deserving it
Reposted byAvatar alyssa
Note that no journalists are being allowed to cover what’s happening on Columbia U’s campus tonight by the administration of the university. Also note that the Pulitzer Prize, the highest award given in journalism, is also administered by Columbia University. 📰 Shame on them.
huge night for the Saturn Devouring His Son wing of the electorate
i know holden bloodfeast is LIVING FOR IT !!!!!!!
smashing the save button
what’s everyone reading right now. i’m responsibly burning through the books i already own instead of getting more but i’d like to throw my progress into total disarray
they used to put you on the spine of your own book like this. not anymore. because of woke
every few months people do the “he needs more blankets! he needs less blankets! he needs more blankets and less blankets at the same time!” scene from walk hard, but with the concept of Mean literary reviews
Reposted byAvatar alyssa
The little band from Texas you know I'm a ZZ Top ass Kickin music wigs well Dressed Man sleeping bag and 100 more just like this Kid Rock and ZZ Top cuz l'll keep listening rock on brother
all of my posts on here seem to involve either dune or vanderpump rules, or both….its called Brand Building
vpr season 10 raquel is like watching the ascendancy of paul atreides. she has bene gesserit powers. she is the slow blade that penetrates the shield. charli is her stilgar
planting a bene gesserit style myth to be spread for thousands of years that all the sex and the city characters canonically have the last name Sex. Carrie Sex. Charlotte Sex. Miranda Sex. Samantha Sex
irulan seething, writing in her little book: “people on wallach ix will say anything. 'muad’dib had hoes.' no he didn’t. that isn’t true.”