busco quadnary

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busco quadnary


if you follow me, I'll start making good posts. I promise.

I probably won't follow back if you're too horny. nothing personal, I just like having this shit open at work.
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Guys I, I need, I, I need to show you something
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meanwhile, in Japan, "I don't want to vote for anyone" is absolutely running away with it
Reposted byAvatar busco quadnary
"I never see you at the club" I never see you at the firefly presentation at the environmental education center
I think treating sexual assault allegations like a multi-part exclusive true crime epic is a practice that, quite demonstrably based on current discourse, should be rightly condemned I have no trouble believing the allegations themselves. He showed his whole ass with the response.
2024 Labour landslide victory
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lmao first past the post is so stupid. What a country
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No but I love when all you beautiful sickos start posting shit like "Bogroubler flips Hambarn upon Gwynyychlyyrah! A huge result!" It's like hanging out with people being poisoned by carbon monoxide. None of those places are real
Reposted byAvatar busco quadnary
Bet you thought I was doing this one, so did I, I have it saved
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
Reskeet with a tweet you still think about
FPTP is such a funny system
Reposted byAvatar busco quadnary
If it bleeds, we can kill it
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It only takes a minute and it's a vital democratic duty! Wherever you are today, whatever else you're doing, please, please remember to screenshot annoying posts for later "this you?" purposes
Reposted byAvatar busco quadnary
The name "Dr Disrespect" is definitely ironic in hindsight but the other thing is that if you had to design a child molester costume from first principles, that's what it would look like
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"You're not going to believe the allegations about Dr. Disrespect." First of all, who's that? Second of all, yes I am.
love getting lib posts from 22 hours ago in my discover feed
Who agrees?
Reposted byAvatar busco quadnary
If I was American I would be demanding an even older president. Who's the oldest person you've got? Wheel them out. Terrify other nations with the longevity of your people.
is the deep state really out of neoliberal ghouls they've spent the last 30 years grooming for power?
Reposted byAvatar busco quadnary
Bit harsh but fair enough.
in a shocking turn of events, notable online content creator "captain antisocial behaviour" has been accused of antisocial behaviour
I (semi-accidentally) left my Twitter deactivated too long and now it's permanently gone I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
your mom's hole is on TV. everyone has seen it.
call and check on your mom
Reposted byAvatar busco quadnary
you're allowed to think Chomsky died years ago. it's actually pretty good.
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Reposted byAvatar busco quadnary
good posts & bad posts pass validation just the same
corporate evil is a diverse, nuanced spectrum weapons manufacturers are *firmly* in a part of that spectrum labelled "explicitly evil". there's no nuance to that one.
Reposted byAvatar busco quadnary
flemby has done more shenanigans to lumpy dan and must now be cancelled for numbyism and gauntposting
who is it. can someone please just fucking say who it is. why does everyone vaguepost on here like a fucking 14 year old girl who just had her first breakup?