
If you're ever wondering why every elder Millennial is either a communist or a grindset hustler small business capitalist, just look up the unemployment rate in 2009.
8% for adults and almost 20% for youth in 2009. just utterly staggering in terms of overall numbers and rate of change.
Absolutely, the distribution of such calamities will be disproportionately weighted against those with the least clout
I joined industry in Summer of 2008 and miraculously made it through five rounds of layoffs, every all-hands meeting was the most anxious shit.
Not to be a drama queen but it felt like Stalin had come to inspect your bureau every day
Oddly enough it’s even worse now cause I got canned in 2023 cause our execs burned through cash like drunken sailors and now I’m overqualified for everything out there Guess I shoulda stayed broke in academia
sometimes both even
β€œIt happened to me”
that was a cool year to graduate!! i do not have adequate savings and probably never will :')
There's kind of a reason that I went to grad school when I graduated from undergrad in 2009 rather than trying to go get a job
2009/2010 I was hired on for just shy of 6 months at a local magazine just so they could collect that Obama-era hiring bonus and let me go before my medical benefits were supposed to kick in
I spent years working min wage in a truly horrible job, for a boss who was very careful to make sure we never worked enough hours to get health insurance. I'm still financially recovering from it.
...yeah that's basically it.