Scott McGrath

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Scott McGrath

Biomedical Informatics PhD • CITRIS Health @UC Berkeley • FAMIA • Digital Health • Precision Medicine • Adjunct Prof. teaching Clinical Informatics & Data Analytics • Happy to be back home in Montana
🧪 Synchron has added a new chat feature powered by OpenAI's AI to its brain-computer interface platform. This helps paralyzed users communicate through thought by transmitting brain signals into wireless signals. 🩺🖥️ 🧠
Synchron integrates generative AI speech to brain interface Synchron’s brain-computer interface software uses artificial intelligence to allow users to generate text and audio with their thoughts alone
🧪 The Veterans Affairs is awarding contracts to Abridge AI and Nuance Communications to develop an AI tool for medical transcription. These companies, winners of the VA's AI Tech Sprint, will create cloud-based, ambient scribe pilot programs. 🩺🖥️ 🤖
VA plans to award AI tech sprint winners contracts for ambient medical transcription The agency announced that Abridge AI, Inc. and Nuance Communications, Inc. will provide AI tools to transcribe and generate notes for patient healthcare encounters.
Hey Bailey turned 1 today! He’s our rescue who turned out to have 0% Golden Retriever in him 🤷
I just had to thread the internal cable through my Peloton bike. After doing that for 30 minutes in a hot garage, I'm going to count that as my workout today. 😓
🧪 An algorithm using Alzheimer's patient data predicts the progression of cognitive decline and dementia by analyzing age, gender, cognitive scores, MRI scans, and cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers. Plans for a patient-facing app are underway. 🧠🤖
Could an App Help Predict Thinking Declines for Those With Alzheimer's? THURSDAY, July 11, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- Dutch researchers are developing an app to predict how individual cases of Alzheimer's disease will progress.Based o
🧪 Academic researchers face limited access to supercomputers for AI health studies, risking bias due to underrepresented data. The NSF's National AI Research Resource pilot aims to mitigate this, ensuring diverse data inclusion. #AcademicSky 🤖
A pilot program gives academics access to A pilot led by the National Science Foundation aims to democratize AI research by connecting universities with the supercomputers that big tech companies use.
It’s been a long weekend, sending it off with a reinvigorated sunset.
Reposted byAvatar Scott McGrath
Dr. Ruth “defended abortion rights, suggested older people have sex after a good night’s sleep and was an outspoken advocate of condom use … In the 1980s, she stood up for gay men at the height of the AIDS epidemic and spoke out loudly for the LGBTQ community.”
Dr. Ruth Westheimer, America’s diminutive and pioneering sex therapist, dies at Dr. Ruth Westheimer, the diminutive sex therapist who became a pop icon, media star and best-selling author through her frank talk about once-taboo bedroom topics, has died.
This is the real threat of AI in this election, more so than deepfakes. “EagleAI, which has claimed to use artificial intelligence to automate and speed up the process of challenging ineligible voters.” Preventing people from voting will be more disruptive than some GenAI photo of a candidate.
Peak Montana summer camp as a Momma and her Fawn wander across the field next to my son’s camp.
🧪 A National Academies report urges NIH and others to boost research on chronic health conditions in women. Enhanced efforts could improve care and foster advances in underfunded areas, says Academy President Dzau.🩺🛟
Panel urges more research on women and chronic The report calls for focused efforts to enhance diagnostic tools for conditions such as endometriosis.
🧪 STD diagnoses in adults 65+ surged nearly 24% during the COVID-19 pandemic, per FAIR Health data. This rise underscores the importance of health professionals discussing STD risks with older patients, as symptoms may mimic age-related conditions. 🩺 🛟
STDs jumped nearly a quarter among seniors during the The data points to the need for conversations about the risks of STDs with older patients.
🧪 Researchers used machine learning to analyze stool samples from children, distinguishing autistic from neurotypical individuals with 82% accuracy. This suggests the microbiome's role in autism, offering potential diagnostic and treatment advances, according to Qi Su in Nature Microbiology. 🩺🖥️🤖
Autism could be diagnosed with stool sample, scientists Researchers found differences in the gut microbes of autistic people, raising hopes for faster diagnosis
🧪 Physicians are leveraging AI chatbots for administrative tasks like drafting insurance appeal letters. Dr. Jonathan Tward notes that HIPAA-compliant Doximity GPT has halved the time for prior authorizations and increased success rates by using patient data and insurance criteria. 🩺🖥️
In Constant Battle With Insurers, Doctors Reach for a Cudgel: As health plans increasingly rely on technology to deny treatment, physicians are fighting back with chatbots that synthesize research and make the case.
🧪 NLP-assisted reviews of nursing notes can enhance detection of under-reported healthcare-associated violence, suggests a Pediatrics study. The model, validated with over 90,000 notes, shows promise for broader surveillance 🩺🖥️ 🤖
Natural Language Processing Review Can ID Health Care-Linked MONDAY, July 8, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- A natural language processing-assisted review is feasible for surveillance of health care-associated violence (HAV) epi
Reposted byAvatar Scott McGrath
One helluva story on the impacts of Bitcoin on the health of people in a Texas community after a local business invested in Bitcoin farming computers that run at all hours... Sociology episky 🛟 policysky polisky lawsky 🧪 Medsky 📈🧭
Inside the 'Nightmare' Health Crisis of a Texas Bitcoin A Bitcoin mine moved to a small town in Texas. One by one, the residents fell ill.
A cybercrime group, SiegedSec, released 2GB of data from the Heritage Foundation in response to its Project 2025, which supports Trump. The data includes personal information of users.
Hackvists release two gigabytes of Heritage Foundation A politically-oriented cybercrime group carried out the attack in response to Heritage’s Project 2025.
🧪 Researchers have developed an AI-based autofluorescence microscopy system with over 90% accuracy in detecting cancer cells during surgery. This innovation promises more precise tumor removal. 🩺🖥️
HKUST researchers develop AI-based microscopic imaging Several researchers from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in China developed an AI-based microscopic imaging system.
🧪 A Nature Medicine study reveals a machine learning model with 78% accuracy in predicting post-surgery metastatic outcomes during pancreatectomy. Liver biopsies at diagnosis may guide treatment by assessing metastatic risk. 🩺🖥️
Study Unveils Clues to the Pre-Metastatic Liver Environment in Pancreatic The presence of large numbers of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) in the pre-metastatic liver linked with a high risk of early metastasis in pancreatic cancer.
🧪 The AIDS Healthcare Foundation's AI chatbot, trained with insights from drag queens, educates on STIs, manages appointments, and offers support, aiming to save time and enhance focused care. Staff ensure its responses are empathetic. 🩺🖥️ 🤖 🏳️‍🌈
This AI chatbot was trained on drag queens, and it wants to help protect your sexual AIDS Healthcare Foundation is rolling out an AI chatbot with a drag queen persona to make testing and treatment less scary.
Date night with! Out celebrating our 23rd anniversary! 🎉
🧪 Researchers developed an AI technique using thermal imaging to predict health and aging by analyzing facial temperature patterns. Published in Cell Metabolism, it links facial temperature with high blood pressure and metabolic disorders. 🩺🖥️
Facial temperature-based AI tech could aid in early disease The AI-powered method combined with thermal imaging could lead to early detection and diagnosis of various diseases and medical issues.
🧪 A new study found patients understood radiology reports better with summaries from advanced language models than standard care. Yet, most summaries needed edits, showing human oversight is crucial. 🩺🖥️ 🤖
Large language models help patients understand radiology Large language models can generate summaries that could help patients better understand their radiology reports.
🧪 A bionic leg with a computer interface. It helps amputees walk as fast as those without an amputation. Seven users moved the prosthesis with their thoughts and reflexes, walking 41% faster than with standard robotic legs. They also improved balance, speed variation, and climbing.
Bionic leg moves like a natural limb — without conscious Computer interface links signals from the brain to an artificial limb, giving the wearer better balance, flexibility and speed. Computer interface links signals from the brain to an artificial limb, g...
🧪A study in Frontiers in AI shows a deep neural network model predicting early osteoporosis using 10 demographic and clinical factors. Analyzing data from 8,100+ individuals 40+, it outperformed several other models. 🩺🖥️ 🤖
Osteoporosis Prediction Simplified with AI A deep neural network model is able to predict early osteoporosis to a good level of accuracy and performs better than other models.
🧪 Pharmacy experts highlight the need for improved data management in Medicaid care. Generative AI can streamline communications, allowing more patient interaction. Automation and machine learning have been key tools. Industry standards and best practices are on the horizon. 🩺🖥️ 🤖
Pharmacy Experts: Data-Readiness Key in Reaching Medicaid In data-heavy healthcare, having the information in one place is a challenge, industry experts remarked during an online event.
Had an awesome morning drive up to Spokane today. Double rainbow! 🌈 🌈