
thinking about writing about this as an interesting internet subculture conflict -- is it that mastodon users are mad that bluesky isn't on activitypub, and then bluesky users are mad that mastodon is mad? and the cultural divide of bluesky being a bit more shitposty and mastodon being more rules-y?
man i hate the mastodon/bluesky fighting
tell me the drama and the hot goss (by that i mean, link me to discourse)
things really kicked off over the possibility of a bridge, but generally speaking there seems to be a fair amount of hostility among blueskiers towards mastodon users and vice versa
a lot of folks on bsky portraying mastodon users as HOA-style control freaks policing everyone else's posts a lot of folks on mastodon condemning bskiers for using a platform that they see as less open, likely to be enshittified, and tainted by the Dorsey connection
Yup. Lots of Mastodon users want to carve out an online experience free from corporations likes Bluesky and Threads. Which is fine and understandable, given what capital has done to the internet, but an open protocol is the wrong tool to use for it. It’s like demanding corporations don’t use email.
Mastodon always feels like walking into a conversation with hardcore Linux fans, who doesn’t see how the things they like make the experience worse for most people and waive that off. For most people though…simple is better.