sam blickhan

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sam blickhan

She/her. Chicago. #DHmakes enthusiast. People, history, tech, museums, public participatory research. Director & DH lead.

Lapsed musicologist/medievalist. Fiber artist. Songwriter:
Repost with the first album you bought with your own money.
Repost with the first album you bought with your own money.
Making use of hashtags to share my latest #knitting project! 1st photo is pre-blocking, 2nd shows the zigzag detail on the front panel (hard to see w this yarn). Double stranded cotton + mohair, aimed for oversized, cropped fit. Chicago kindly provided 25 degree weather so I could wear it! #DHmakes
Out: “Thanks for your patience in awaiting my response.” In:
First procrastination square round of 2024: grey, because I was meant to be working on a review. Have now made 5 total squares (4 rounds per square, 1 round = 1 procrastination) since October 2023, this begins square 6. Can definitely see improvements in consistency of tension/gauge. #dhmakes
where you can find us for the next ~10 days
Knitted a headband with my leftover scarf yarn, from another pattern in the same Japanese Knitting book. Now feeling extremely ~*fancy*~ and, yes, very warm. #dhmakes
Finished the scarf last night (after this photo, obvs), and am now Ready for The Season. It’s so warm! Why am I not double-stranding more often? Anyway, am going to make a headband with the leftover yarn, using a different pattern from the same book.
Current work in progress. I wanted to learn to read Japanese knitting charts after my partner gifted me The Japanese Knitting Stitch Bible. Started with one of the simpler stitch patterns to create a scarf using 1 strand of Loops & Threads Heathered Tweed, and 1 strand of L&T Luxe Merino. #dhmakes
Current work in progress. I wanted to learn to read Japanese knitting charts after my partner gifted me The Japanese Knitting Stitch Bible. Started with one of the simpler stitch patterns to create a scarf using 1 strand of Loops & Threads Heathered Tweed, and 1 strand of L&T Luxe Merino. #dhmakes
I hold at your neck a Gom Jabbar.
tell us a perfect album that came out when you were 16
tell us a perfect album that came out when u were 16
I have started the Procrastination Squares! A fun experiment in fiber art data vis for #DHmakes where I do a row of crochet when I catch myself procrastinating. The color corresponds generally to what I was meant to be working on (& based on what I had in my stash).
Got out of Chicago last week for a much needed vacation, hiking/bouldering in Joshua Tree and enjoying some sunshine before we start our descent into winter. Good timing, since we returned to a snowstorm on Halloween 🤦‍♀️
Blocking my Vacation Vest! A fun, quick knit. I may even get to wear it in its intended summery fashion before fall sets in and it becomes a layering piece. Ignore the safety pin, I found a dropped stitch in the edging 😬 #dhmakes Pattern:
Whenever he hears me say “bye” on a work call.
Perfect weather (75F) for flu shots & covid boosters!
Tried to take a photo of the blanket I finished #knitting last week but it’s too long to get in frame. Anyway it’s 65 degrees today in Chicago, and I’m READY.
The garment in question! One of my favorite recent projects. This was *extremely* fun to sew up. #dhmakes
Sunflowers in bloom: delightful Sunflowers about to bloom: Eldritch horror
Update: we got further away from the door
Bowie’s new thing is coming to get me bc he wants to go on a walk, and then doing this once I have my shoes on/leash in hand/etc.
Happy tomato sandwich season, everyone.
Show me a picture on your phone that has your energy. Not a selfie.
show me a picture on your phone that has your energy. not a selfie
Today’s mid-30s vibe is this Ed Steed cartoon
next up: Bowie (in keeping with the wholesome theme)
let’s kick things off with some wholesome garden content
End of feed.