
The number of jokes about sundowning on this here website that prides itself on inclusion and respect and combating ableism is, in a word, gross.
my takeaway from a lot of this—substantive "what should the dems do" questions aside because I have no idea—is that people are incredibly weird about aging and disability
Being a parent of a stutterer, it’s getting gross.
Yeah - we've lived with my dad's dementia for about 7 years now, and it's rough as hell and having it be fodder for jokes from fuckwits makes me furious, and I assume it's the same for you with him being targeted for the stutter, and I'm sorry.
Kids don’t make jokes -like race, kids don’t grow up seeing it. It’s just how people are. It’s when they get older that the evil comes out.
gently: maybe white kids get the privilege of growing up without having to interrogate racism, but BIPOC kids have to experience that evil practically from birth.
Not what I meant, please read again
Inclusion and respect have always been conditional, I see it all the time Constantly, things that are declared to be unacceptable ways to treat other people, are infact accepted as long as the person in question is bad enough
No one who has experienced dementia in their family would ever joke about any aspect of it. Despicable.
Old people are the new smokers!