
very honestly coming around to the view that the paradigm of non-toxic, community-driven masculinity we need can be shorthanded by "dudes rock"
It's fun to slag on teenage boys but IMO they're not so much ideologically right-wing as they are desperate for the approval and mentorship of older dudes a lot of the time, and we are letting them down on that score (either by trying to indoctrinate them or not interacting with them at all).
Also just embracing being earnest and enjoying simple things. Like digging ditches on a beach- dudes of all ages enjoy it, and do it despite it all being washed away by the end of the day.
I don't know who or what experiences specifically taught it to me but very early on I learned that anyone can be a dude, and anything you want to do can rock.
Telling your boys out in a hike, “that’s a damn fine stick you’ve found”