molly conger

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molly conger

never log off, never surrender
update from my parents: his name is NOT puck anymore. they’ve decided he’s more of a pippin. he doesn’t seem to mind either way.
this is puck, he is my new little brother. i think he’s already my parents’ favorite child.
this is puck, he is my new little brother. i think he’s already my parents’ favorite child.
as a prude myself but someone who respects sex workers, can i ask a stupid question? a guy who was at a nazi rally has an onlyfans. the content is free, but you have to subscribe. can someone give me a clear idea of what the content creator can see about subscribers?
i keep telling my partner, you can’t leave dog treats in your pockets. a hound dog cannot be held responsible for hunting his little snackies. i’ve lost a lot of good pockets to this mistake.
finally got a name for a unite the right guy i’ve been wondering about for ages which means now i have to play another round of my least favorite game: nazi where’s waldo (looking for him in hours of rally footage)
every thanksgiving season for the rest of my life, i will be thankful that the day after thanksgiving in 2021, when friends & strangers around the world saved my sweet boy otto’s life. he needed emergency surgery i couldn’t afford & i am eternally grateful to everyone who supported his recovery.
it's always good to tell the trans people in your life that you love & support them but i think telling a trans person 'happy trans day of remembrance' is like telling a troop 'happy memorial day.'
i haven't figured out the acoustics of this building yet. sometimes i hear some commotion and i'm just scurrying around my apartment pressing my ear to different walls trying to figure out who's hollering.
it’s smart that they make the trader joe’s parking lot the most terrifying and stressful place in suburban america because then you get inside the silly little snack emporium and really feel like you deserve a cart full of ridiculous little treats.
and what if i was simply too sleepy to attend this meeting, did anyone consider that when it was scheduled a year in advance?
i had a nightmare that someone took all the dead tomato plants i ripped out and left in a heap & set them back up in my garden, twining their dried out brittle stems to the garden stakes in a mockery of life. it felt absolutely obscene when i saw it it, but i can't quite explain it now.
sometimes when i really can’t sleep, i have to get up and have a little chunk of cheese. buck always gets up and comes with me, otto always stays sound asleep under the comforter. it is my duty to briefly wake him with a small bite of cheese extended under the covers. a sleepy little treat.
idk what the fuck y’all are doing on tiktok, i’m just bookmarking soup recipes i’ll probably never make and crying when i see a dog that is too precious
i can’t sleep because i’m thinking about how much i love my dogs and i want to wake them up so i can tell them about it but they’re so sleepy, i will have to tell them in the morning.
you mean to tell me it costs $80 to email me one PDF?
i can't say for sure, but i'm willing to bet this is the first time a federal judge has given a plaintiff permission to serve a defendant via gab DM
god bless the student newspaper archivists. it’s such a special little treat to find a decades old written record that a guy defending racism professionally has been doing it for fun since he was a teenager.
after a few frosty nights, it’s finally time to tear out the tomatoes. i figure i’ll root around in the dirt a bit, put down a cardboard layer, then put my compost & some manure down. lessons learned, better dirt next year! 🌱
see this is why i was afraid to go to the dentist! it took five hours to regain the ability to blink and when i woke up this morning my jaw was frozen shut & the left side of my face is still numb
the dentist had to give me so much local anesthetic for a little filling that now my whole face is frozen and my left eye won’t close, i guess i should just tape it shut for a few hours? i’ve been blinking it manually for the last hour.
the dentist had to give me so much local anesthetic for a little filling that now my whole face is frozen and my left eye won’t close, i guess i should just tape it shut for a few hours? i’ve been blinking it manually for the last hour.
wiener dog nation, i have a favor to ask. my dad is trying to mend his broken heart after the sudden loss of his dog beowulf & is ready to welcome another little dog into his heart & home... he's looking for a new best friend, 1-4 yrs old & housebroken, who just wants to chill for a decade or so.
Reposted byAvatar molly conger
And this right here is why I resigned from ADL this morning. In my opinion, it was throwing red meat to the people who want to do the *most* harm. And I couldn’t be part of it any longer. It’s so disappointing, and imho unnecessary
At this point the ADL is going to only help white supremacists and fascist with this kind of language and it’s playing right into the far right hand. I can’t believe how dangerous this is going to get as they continue to demonize everyone pushing back against the genocide in this way. 
Reposted byAvatar molly conger
Share an original you-meme so you can call it a mememe I stole one of’s very good bois for this, but still…
Share an original you-meme so you can call it a mememe
greater and brighter days lie ahead for those of us who have embarked on the journey towards a clean butt
it’s so fucked up you have to keep doing chores until you die. i have mopped this apartment like half a dozen times since i moved in a few months ago, isn’t that enough. i did a great job and i’d like to coast on that.
a particularly hard lesson i am never done learning online is when to abstain from an easy dunk. sometimes someone is so desperately hungry for your attention they keep serving you the perfect little morsel to dunk on but the worse punishment for them is to simply ignore it!
he can’t concentrate on sniffing the grass because he knows i have a T-R-E-A-T