
WHAT! DOES! THE! PUBLISHER! DO? No, really. Do you know?
Another question would be: do you know how much the publisher charges to DO what they do?
Another other question would be: how much does the publisher pay their in house staff to do those things...and how many in house staff ARE there to do those jobs?
Showin' mom my royalty "check" with my name misspelled, watchin her face turn white... All I'm sayin' is if I told a publisher $2500 to layout a book, they'd tell me we're outta budget baby.
I remember getting a royalty statement that said $1500 for promo to which I thought “what promo?”
Insulting to get my royalty statement that had "book design" when I was the one who laid out and designed the book at the end of it.
I think, *ideally* a publisher is a way for a group of artists to subsidize each other's work. "My recent book did really well so I'll invest some of that money into your work" and so on. Same kind of deal as a record label, in my mind. Of course, in reality, few publishers exist to do this at all.
Big Boyz up at da top don't always wanna share either. Food for thought.
My attitude these days is that anyone earning more money than me is not my friend. Harsh but hey, gimme some and I'll soften my attitude for you personally.
I’ll take even less if you give some to my friend and give us an extra month to do the job.
It'd be really hard to start, but I've always fantasized about a creator owned publisher for this reason. The creators would have equal ownership and the admin side would essentially operate as a nonprofit, reinvesting whatever they made.
The first thing this made me think of was Maximum Fun, I believe all the podcasts are artist owned, though to what extent the advertising pays for the shows... I can't imagine that's where they make a living.
ehehehe I know this is a meme at this point but honestly get Robin's ass
it's never not a good time to benignly hate on sobbin' robin.
I worked in book publishing for over a decade. The whole biz is a freaking mess and I'm glad to be out lol