christopher lee melkus

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christopher lee melkus

St Louis resident, will fix you pierogi and kielbasa on a whim, has a fursona, canvassed for Bernie in 2020, you know, typical millennial stuff
I don’t look back on my teenage Morrissey fandom with much joy but I do remember being 15 and buying a record with a song calling for the Prime Minister to be guillotined and thinking “yeah fair enough”, it didn’t feel like some unwritten rule of rock star civility had been broken
If you had to choose between a decades-long friendship and creative partnership or being third-billed in another Jumanji sequel, who among us wouldn't slap on that pith helmet and cash that check?
NEW EPISODE: The art students find themselves facing more danger than they've yet encountered, and need to look for help anywhere they can find it as our playthrough of “Cassilda’s Song” by continues! Listen now! #rpg #actualplay
most twee guy at my improv class? that’d have to be yes anderson.
Anybody else think Megalopolis gives big anime vibes? I don't know if it's going to be a good movie but I hope it becomes another cultural flashpoint ala Barbenheimer.
Twin Peaks: The Great Northern Hotel at night.
The writer is wrong.
A roleplaying game is something an artist & writer make together, where each one thinks the other is the only integral part of the project
show me a picture on your phone that has your energy but isn't a selfie
show me a picture on your phone that has your energy but isn't a selfie
This mf still can’t figure out how to wear a mask
I'm watching YOU'LL NEVER FIND ME on Shudder and listen, if there's one thing I'll never complain about, it's a slow burn. But fuck me, this has got to be the slowest burn I've ever seen in my goddamn life. This ain't horror, it's a friggin' lullaby. The payoff better be a veritable bloodbath.
Avatar Chainsaw Awards always has a fill-in vote for best kill of the year and not to demean the work of many filmmakers & their crews but this year Kendrick deserves that title by a billion miles
we are gonna look back at 2024 and the only good memory is gonna be Kendrick Lamar putting Drake on a table and dissecting him alive.
If you've seen LONGLEGS, this interview with Maika and Osgood is a delight and frankly pretty essential because of how it humanizes a story that, viewed only from an audience POV, seems utterly alien. Maika talking about her way of thinking about adult Lee is illustrative
Longlegs Ending Explained: Maika Monroe & Oz Perkins Interview (SPOILERS) [Editor's note: The following contains spoilers for Longlegs.]If you were in the market for a nightmarish film that would burrow its way into your brain and ...
Not that this is news to anyone but the reality of what "politics" means is so patently abstract for the majority of Americans that I unreservedly believe it will destroy us. Politics is dead, and by extension, the United States of America. And I worry, existentially, what it means for the world.
From widow of rally shooting victim Corey Comperatore, Helen:
Oh holy shit Vance is an adult Catholic convert, it’s worse than I thought
Varietopia @ Lodge Room Sunday September 1st 7pm Pacific Live on stage & streaming live to the world Art: Nathan Diffee LODGE ROOM: LIVESTREAM:
Honestly, style goals.
Our friend Atelopus fronterizo, also known as the Borderlander Harlequin Frog, was first described as a new species in 2021! The name "fronterizo" is derived from the Servicio Nacional de Fronteras who guards the border between Panama and Colombia, where this toad lives! (photo by Edwin Chavarría)
LONGLEGS made me think of this JC Autobody track. Lots of Marc Bolan worship here but with a gnarly Deep Purple wildness and lyrically it's spot on.
Just got out of LONGLEGS and yes, Osgood Perkins knows what the fuck he is doing holy shit. I'm not saying it's solid gold but it's certainly the best Silence Of The Lambs riff I've ever seen. Hell, I like it more than that movie for sure.
Arkadin (local micro Cinema) screened BARRY LYNDON which is now just below THE KILLING on my list of favorite Kubrick flicks. But also, it introduced me officially to Schubert's Piano Trio 2, which I'd fallen in love with from THE HUNGER but didn't follow up on it
Thrilled to finally have my listening station in a state that actually makes me happy to look at. Still can't believe how lucky I got that this extremely cool old guy sold me his immaculately maintained stereo & turntable combo.
I have about 30% more followers since I lasted posted band stuff. Here are a few download codes to our first EP. Check it out. Any follow on band camp or instagram (weaklungband) is much appreciated.
These games are highly underrated imo.
Playing Shadowrun Returns right now. It’s a game where everything is exactly as bad as it is in the real world but cooler because there are dragons who own businesses
I really like @openvibe not just because it integrates Bsky & Mastodon in the same app but also, it's got a nice interface. Not sure why I feel the need to have accounts in both places & post to them but it's cool that Openvibes makes xposting extremely simple.
Two weeks ago, my psychiatrist said she was prescribing me buspirone because "I can see that the Ritalin is helping with your ADHD. Now it's clear you are also struggling with an anxiety disorder" 🙃🙃🙃
BREAKING NEWS: Apparent gunshots were fired Saturday at former President Donald Trump's rally in Butler, Pa.
Apparent gunshots fired at Trump Trump was rushed off stage and the rally ended soon thereafter.
In my day, doomscrolling meant you had a scroll and
Any of my pottery folks here have a good cheap wheel they like? I'm in extremely frugal bitch hours, but i gotta THROW.
"FromSoft widely hailed as greatest video game developer of all time after announcing bosses in the next Elden Ring will be copied wholesale from Armored Core: Fires of Rubicon."
Next FromSoft game to feature "bigger, worse guys" on "tinier, sicklier horses" This company knows what the people want