Sofawolf Press Inc

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Sofawolf Press Inc

Ragtag bunch of miscreants celebrating over two decades of publishing outstanding anthropomorphic fiction. Currently working on something new! Stay tuned... ⏳
Surfacing from over on Xitter to spread the word for an artist friend.
We had a great time at Anthrocon meeting folks and just enjoying not having a table for once. I'm a bit frazzled from all the crowds, but it's nothing that a month in the wilderness won't cure. We got a lot of great input and we're looking forward to getting to work on!
Sofawolf A community founded by Sofawolf Press, with over 25 years of experience in publishing outstanding furry fiction. Sofawolf Academy seeks to help a new generation of furry storytellers improve their cra...
Thanks for all the favorites and re-Bloots and comments and questions! We are working our way through the requests and everyone who signed up should have access soon. Things will likely be a little quiet while we head out to Anthrocon, but we'll start cooking once we get back.
Now, without further Awoo, we are proud to introduce Sofawolf Academy, an online community for all levels of furry storyteller who wish to improve their skills. We will be in Public Beta for the next couple of months while we build out content and take input from members.
Okay in no particular order, some thoughts about 25+ years of small press publishing. 1) Books are hard. Expensive to print, expensive to ship, expensive to store. We're all very proud of the quality and service we provided over the years, but it came at a cost.
While the world crumbles around us, let's remember 2015 - 2021 shall we? But before we begin I must apologize for forgetting to mention Spain Fischer's "Caterwall" in yesterday's post. Somehow it dropped between my lists of years. A lovely all-ages comic!
Happy Friday night everyone (Saturday morning for some of you I suppose.) (2010-2015) The Golden Age of Sofawolf! Let's go! Five more issues of Heat, with Teagan Gavet taking over as Artistic Director halfway through with Issue #10 and doing some fantastic things with the layout.
⬇️⬇️ a reminder that no number of academic studies will shift public policy when those with power aren’t genuinely interested in what is best public policy.
The reason why they keep doing UBI studies and not actually implementing UBI is that the people doing the studies want UBI and the people who have the power to implement it do not want UBI.
Okay 2005 - 2010, let's do this! • Four more issues of Heat (#4 - #7) • Anthrolations #8 & HistoriMorphs #3 • Digger #2 - #5 We continued collecting older comic series with Vince Suzukawa's I.S.O #1 and continued one with John Nunnemacher's Buffalo Wings Annual 2006 & 2007
We're so proud of! Congrats on the accomplishment!
Coming soon: The Eternal Party, the first novel by There are two rules: “Canines command and felines obey” and “You can only enter if you want to be here.” Releasing at #AC2024
Why are you LGBTQIA+?!? wrong answers only. It Seemed Like a Good Idea at The Time.
Why are you LGBTQIA+?!? wrong answers only. Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by.
I should note that all this novel-gazing does ultimately have a point, and it isn't because I want to remind everyone how old they are. (Okay, not entirely because of that...) Nor is this a solemn Elvish procession to the Grey Havens. It'll end somewhere good, I promise!
Rather longer than the "tomorrow" I promised in the last thread, but let's continue shall we? Between January 2000 and 2005 we released a total of seven issues of Anthrolations, which would end up being the entire run of the series. Serial anthologies are a LOT of work for a small team...
Psst! Hey, you! Yes, you—the one who loves audiobooks filled with heart, found family, and a bit of sexy time to spice things up! Help us make the audiobook of's "Dude, Where's My Pack?" a reality! Sign up now! The Kickstarter goes live on 7/1.
Coming soon: Dude, Where's My Series? • audiobooks • ebooks • softcovers! Help get Lonnie the wolf's story from Dude, Where's My Pack? produced as an audiobook!
Of all the images from all the Coyote and Roadrunner cartoons, this is the one that has stuck with me all these decades.
Here we have the New Mexico Coyote's Guide to Poultry:
This is true because writing is actually five jobs in a trench coat. Writing advice ranges from “how to make dialogue sound natural” to “how to pay quarterly taxes” to “how to manage disappointment because publishing takes forever.” It’s all important, and it’s all different stuff under the coat.
The loss of the short story as a viable, paying, format is one of the saddest to me, because short stories are incredible and the pressure to make everything an 800+ tome and/or long series is not actually good for all stories or storytellers. Some of Stephen King's absolute best work are shorts.
Back in "The Day" there was a thriving short story market. One could pretty much pay the rent if one sold a short every other month; which left a lot of time for novels. These says 1: Short stories don't really have a market. 2: Pay what they did in 1950. 3: Do the math.
Let's go on walkies down memory lane, shall we? The year is 1999. The dominant writing-focused publications in the fandom were the excellent (but G-rated) "Pawprints" and "Mythagoras." Some of the other fanzines occasionally ran written material too. That was about it... (Thread)
Welcome to our home where the Blue Butterflies roam! We've been quiet for a looooooong time, but we've only been hibernating and waiting for our next moment to shine. That moment is nearly upon us, and we'll be talking about a lot of stuff (good, bad, and fantastic) here in the coming days.
End of feed.