
Now, without further Awoo, we are proud to introduce Sofawolf Academy, an online community for all levels of furry storyteller who wish to improve their skills. We will be in Public Beta for the next couple of months while we build out content and take input from members.
Base level membership is FREE and will remain so. Later this year we will introduce additional membership levels that include access to advanced training and support appropriate for individuals seeking to make an income through their writing.
Right now we are re-releasing the original Unsheathed Podcasts AND Kyell Gold and K. M. Hirosaki are recording new sessions where they go back and review the topics and questions from the old episodes. Both are presented with subtitles and include full transcripts and episode guides.
We have lots more planned, from self-paced courses to workshops, cohorts, and writing challenges -- run both by Sofawolf pros and guest instructors. We will be starting with writing, but we fully intend to branch out into content for all forms of storytelling from graphic to audio to video.
Interested? You can sign up here: Because we are in Beta, we have "Request to Join" step for now. We don't anticipate needing to limit the community size, but never say never. Our goal for the next month or two is to get a variety of folks to help us shape the future of it.
Sofawolf A community founded by Sofawolf Press, with over 25 years of experience in publishing outstanding furry fiction. Sofawolf Academy seeks to help a new generation of furry storytellers improve their cra...
Could I ask what your involvement with this "mighty networks" thing is? Because according to their website, they're something to do with ChatGPT, and use it for things that they should be paying writers to do? You understand why that makes me EXTREMELY concerned, right?
I don't want to kneecap an institution like this, but it makes me very worried when someone is offering to teach 'how to write and edit' on website that advertises being powered by this:
Are there AI Features in My Mighty Network? | Mighty Networks Help
I understand if, like, you just needed A Website and gods know how impossible it is to find a platform that isn't doing this. It'd reassure me to get it clarified what the business relationships are here, is all.
Hi Rob - We definitely understand your concerns. Mighty Networks is the SaaS community hosting platform we selected to run the community on. Like everything else on the planet they have AI features, but they are used to help community providers write posts, make up polls, etc... etc...
To our knowledge there is no function or plan to do any mining of information inside the communities with A. I. though I can see a day when search functions (which have technically been A. I. for a while now) get the treatment. We wrote all our own copy for the community and plan to keep doing so.
I definitely understand the "well, we've got to use SOME platform" problem, and if you can find one that isn't crammed with theft-powered AI bells and whistles I'd love to hear of it too.
I'm a little concerned by the last sentence there. So you will be using AI features to help write posts?
Love this! Would you consider adding a track for editors/those who’d love to be editors?
This is a terrific idea. We'll add it to our idea board! THanks!
Sure thing! Will absolutely keep an eye out! Love this!
This is a great idea. Editing is a separate skill set from writing, and having a talent pool of dedicated editors would be amazing.
This is definitely our plan for one of the paid membership levels, along with promotional action plans, etc... etc... Basically coaching.
^This! I’ve done some coursework through Knowadays but would love to learn from the furry lit side 💕
Is this fiction only, or is non-fiction abs journalism part of the academy, too?
Right when I want to start writing again? Hello?
Still seeking members? I've been sitting on awaiting approval for a bit.
Yeah I never found a moment to keep on processing requests while at Anthrocon, so things stalled for a couple days. But, I should get through the last of them today. (I haven't been going in order, intentionally, and have been jumping around.)
Oh neat! Looking forward to seeing where this goes.
I'm excited to hear more about this! Requested to join as I'd love to get more improvement on editing which is a process I dislike xD