
"The Court’s curious and convoluted majority opinion turns the Constitution’s text and structure inside out and upside down, saying things that are flatly contradicted by the document’s unambiguous letter and obvious spirit.​"
Something Has Gone Deeply Wrong at the Supreme Jurists who preach fidelity to the Constitution are making decisions that flatly contradict our founding document’s text and ideals.
They want us to kill each other. It releases the SSI to pay down the FED, and culls a lot of people that won't need benefits, redraw the lines and new constitutions.One team two side=Fake. Just adapt an off grid lifestyle. It is the eventual outcome no matter who wins. You are not in the club.
1913 FEDs plan only estimated about 200,000 increase of people in 100 years. Not 7 billion. The good time were good, now they are over. Reality hurts. It does not matter what side you support, they are the same and you are not in their club. Fight die. Live simple, live free without technology.