
Boris Johnson worries about a “road to serfdom” so I propose the EU offers a special Boris Johnson deal where the UK would elect MEPs, have the PM and minsters sit in the European council and get a vote on all regulation and EU appointments, if it rejoined.
Mail on Sunday threatening me with a good time I see.
in exchange, the UK will join the Schengen agreement, adopts the Euro and starts driving on the right side of the road
If Sweden managed to switch what side they drive on, the UK can as well.
IIRC it cost Sweden a fortune in 1962 with a very small fraction of today's UK population and a tinier fraction of the built infrastructure. I'm all for Rejoin but the cost of the switch in question would never survive a rational cost-benefit analysis. It's a cosmetic, totemistic distraction.
Take all the private cars off the roads, and implement integrated mass transit solutions between all destinations, and the switch might be practicable. That's decades away though, even if we survive that long.
Do it in stages. Start with the buses, then the lorries and finally the cars