
**EEYORE VOICE** I dunno, I was genuinely surprised by the verdict, but less than an hour later I'm not really able to feel enthusiastic about there being any kind of justice. There are bigger problems in the gov't
To clarify, I’m not being facetious here. This how I actually feel. I just realize I’m being kind of an Eeyore (as usual)
it's cool, (I feel very much the same way), we can have our Eeyore party off in the corner so we don't harsh anyone else's vibes 🍵✨🍵 (this is me attempting to make a teacup cheers combo emoji)
Was just saying to that if either Thomas or Alito recused himself (yeah right) *that* would be something I’d celebrate
For today, I want you to focus on what Trump must be feeling. Let that sustain you.
He’s a very disturbed person who reshapes his perception of reality to his purposes—who knows what he’s thinking