Mundus Artis

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Mundus Artis

40/F/PNW 🔞 it/she STV Bestselling creator of Hearthbound, and Director of Werewolf: the Essentials project, Old Mountain Butch Lesbian, Disabled, Tired, Polyromantic, Demisexual
PFP credit:
If you want to know who I am in real life, I'm basically the dark forbidden fusion of these four horsemen.
If you want to know who I am in real life, I'm basically the dark forbidden fusion of these men.
Show me a picture on your phone that has your energy. Not a selfie.
Show me a picture on your phone that has your energy. Not a selfie.
"post a PERFECT album from the 90s that isn't nirvana or pearl jam or soundgarden or alice in chains" Still my go-to breakup album. First CD I ever bought.
"post a PERFECT album from the 90s that isn't nirvana or pearl jam or soundgarden or alice in chains" similarly, this is from 1999
writing werewolves at 2am because ive lost control of my life
It's rare to encounter someone whose heart is only matched by their raw talent, and when I was referred to Mx. Morgan to produce our cover, xe accepted with gusto and enthusiasm. Nobody deserves to abandon their lifelong passion, least of all them. Any help that can be sent their way is appreciated.
My shop is here:
Been a long ass time since I dusted her off
What would your Garou order at D's Diner in Trillium?
During quarantine, I taught myself how to cultivate yeast for baking. Ever since then, I have become very good at making breads, and I seldom shop for bread now. Here is a porkroll sandwich I made on homemade buns. Can also make a mean Trenton tomato pie.
bluesky's open, quote one art to promote yourself
bluesky's open, quote one art to promote yourself (Yes I know it's unfinished but it's still the best art I made in the last year or so)
Tell me where you were born using just one image of food
Tell me where you were born using just one image of food
Tell me where you were born using one image
Tell me where you were born using one image
Helloooo artists, Nightshade is now out. Give your art spikes. Unlike Glaze, which distorts the way ai scrapes your images, it poisons datasets when an ai uses it, rendering them useless.
Freedom and the Wild Heart Illustrated and licensed by Enjoy an art preview from Werewolf: the Essentials Book 1: Cliath coming Halloween 2024! Gulaka'i has for the last few centuries been inundated with the presence of poachers that leave their snares abandoned.
If you see this, I invite you to post a picture from whatever device you were using without explanation
If you see this, I invite you to post a picture from whatever device you were using without explanation
I've heard about those games, yeah. Honestly vampire larp in general I've heard a lot of bad about. With the latest edition of werewolf larp, they managed to shoehorn the entire game into about a thousand pages. It's truly impressive what they managed, and for the controversy, this book is a winner.
Enjoy a preview of the script's second draft we've cooked up for Werewolf: the Essentials. We're calling it Cracking The Bone, in which a bitten, Dante Esposito, is nearly inducted into a Black Spiral Dancer pack, and then attends a sept moot following his first change!
As an homage to the legacy books we have come to love, Werewolf the Essentials will start with a comic! The script for this is just about finished, with only about two pages left to be completed. We love all the characters and think they're relatable and possess unique narrative voices.
Another artist joins the team! iezeradd (Him/They) He is a mixed media artist and writer hailing from Quebec, Canada. They explore concepts of queerness, identity, generational trauma, and otherness through his illustrations of werewolves, often contrasting tenderness and violence in his works.
I love an arched spine~ I've been busy annotating BNS Werewolf for Werewolf: the Essentials. I think you're all gonna love the seethe and harano mechanics. Did you know you can find all the lore from Werewolf in one book? It's close to a thousand pages in length!
POV: you have bookmarked your books
Sliwka W Czekoladzie. Chocolate-covered blue damson plums. Get the dark chocolate ones, they're fucking delightful.
What is everyone’s favorite old school or grandma candy? I think mine would have to be soft peppermints.
I'm both Daxes and also the Klingon in this scene. In fact, I'm this scene.
90% of respondents on this site should be answering 'Barclay' to this but as they are cowards, they will not.
I should paint more often.
Quote post with your red art Turns out I just have this one of a werewolverine that I did for I need to work with red more :')