
Looking at this SCOTUS decision & at all the right-wingers who’ve spent decades of my life complaining about courts all clogged up by “litigation-crazy liberals” & laughing & laughing & laughing & laughing &…
hope everyone enjoys the next two to ten years or so of chaos until the supreme court invents chevron deference again
If they had the numbers and will, the Dems should strip the Court of the privilege they gave it to choose the cases that it hears. Flood the zone. Make them work five day weeks 52 weeks a year vacuuming up the fallout they've created.
💯💯 My (quite sincere) version of cockeyed optimism is to believe we are getting to exactly that point.
It would solve some of the ethics issues because there would be time for a guest speaker honorarium or trip on Harlan Crow's jet!