
hope everyone enjoys the next two to ten years or so of chaos until the supreme court invents chevron deference again
*sighs heavily* Can Biden just have the worst SCOTUS justices shot on the ground he expects immunity in his role as POTUS?
Will no one rid Biden of these turbulent Justices?
Sorry not very sorry. I also wish Netanyahu would drop dead mysteriously. Of course given the global right we'd end up in another Scalia scenario
To be clear, I'm also in the "yeah, it'd be great if a few very specific far-right monsters suddenly keeled over dead" camp. I was just trying to make a silly joke. My bad.
I never know if joke or not when it's like this
Yeah, I could have done more to signal joke-intent. Again, my bad.
Amp up your schizophrenic friends. Though on a serious note, I think it's pretty obvious after trump and this scotus, that the CIA or some other 3 letter agency was the archetype of these events.
only ten? you’re optimistic
the bruen walkback is going fairly quickly, so we have some examples
They’re going to start frantically trying to walk this one back within a year, tops.
matt kascmyrk and reed o'connor can only handle so many cases
What makes you think they have any interest in a functioning federal government at this point? Business interests force them?
we're already going there with bruen!! arsonists.
The court writing their conservative hack decisions: hahaha, yes! Yes!! The court when they inevitably have to clean up after the Fifth Circuit getting even more insane as a result of their conservative hack decisions: well this sucks, what the fuck
Doesn't suck enough for them to stop, apparently
Huh, and here I thought they’d not have an issue with Fifth Circuit bullshit, seeing as most of them are morally bankrupt themselves, and Roberts clearly doesn’t give a shit about his illegitimate reputation 🤷‍♀️
I think this misreads Roberts, who clearly does give a shit about his reputation — which is why he keeps figuring out ways to do these insane reactionary things with as much plausible deniability as possible. It’s Alito and Thomas who are fully unapologetic arsonists
This doesn’t make Roberts a better jurist, by the way. Arguably just a differently dishonest one
It’s not lost on me that Chevron was created to further conservative beliefs like “it’s ok for the agency to not enforce the law against polluters” but now that chevron is used against conservatives it’s gotta go.
Roberts when he gets to act as the High Priest handing down the Sacred Texts from above: yes fuck yes Roberts when he inevitably has to govern: what the fuck this fucking sucks
looking forward to Roberts's inevitable peevish, "I didn't mean that and you're an idiot for think the things I said meant what they obviously did" but not as much as I'm dreading the next several years of all of the work I've done in my field to date being nullified.
Ding ding ding We'll probably go back to actual-factual Chevron deference, like, what Stevens said in 1984, i.e. courts saying "I dunno man, this is super technical and what the agency said makes sense as far as I can tell" Without all the baroque, formalized "steps" that got larded onto that
I'm sure it will be ..... *holds earpiece* oh So, 3M just shot a shitload of lead and asbestos into Lake Itasca to celebrate and I now have *earpiece again* all the cancers. Well then.
SCOTUS is really entering its Conservative YOLO era.
But will it be enough to save the coal industry?
A new Chevron deference for when a regulation is not a pet cause of GOP donors.
And during that hopefully, Chevron deference doesn't turn into Fifth Circuit deference.
looking forward to the "Bruen, that's not what we meant" type explainer in a couple of years
sorry but what is the bruen decision as it applies here? isnt the bruen decision what conservatives want?
they walked back from Bruen a bit on the domestic violence ruling, said something akin to “whoa, slow down, that’s not what we meant”