Anti Arby's Activist☭☭

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Anti Arby's Activist☭☭

commie pisshead. undying leviathan. cat mom to pookie, chloe, shurik & dusya. she/her. unrepentant buinov stan. economists log off
hey pals, sorry to be a bother about this. pookie's vet appointment is in a matter of hours and we've only made about $63, which covers her exam but she needs bloodwork and possibly medications which will run us well over $200 or even more depending on what she gets. Please RT!
Emergency fundraiser for Pookie! Trying to raise $300 for her vet bills to treat her!! Anything helps, will be listing stuff for sale under here, RTs and donations appreciated!
how many more decades of royals sitting in lavish gold rooms telling you you've gotta tighten your belt and enjoy more austerity are you gonna take, british working class? the parasites are sucking you dry!! do what the bolsheviks did before you!! come on! you've got nothing to lose but your chains!
ugh i just wanna sleep longer bc i'm ill but i'm too anxious about pookie bc she won't eat anything
hey pals, sorry to be a bother about this. pookie's vet appointment is in a matter of hours and we've only made about $63, which covers her exam but she needs bloodwork and possibly medications which will run us well over $200 or even more depending on what she gets. Please RT!
Emergency fundraiser for Pookie! Trying to raise $300 for her vet bills to treat her!! Anything helps, will be listing stuff for sale under here, RTs and donations appreciated!
Emergency fundraiser for Pookie! Trying to raise $300 for her vet bills to treat her!! Anything helps, will be listing stuff for sale under here, RTs and donations appreciated!
shoulda went with this photo instead tbh, way more appealing
Thats how she talks while being unfathomably evil
trying to find a particular song my awful ex roommate used to play all the time in the old queer hell house i lived in but all of her fucking playlists are titled like this
stupid longer summer days made my girl cannabis plants detrans themselves
This heat has even the little guys worn tf out
some dude really into the wizard of oz started following me, i followed back and the DMs started coming, i am never socializing again
shout out to comrades leigh and claire for their donations, we're at $63/$300 now. Pookie's vet appointment is tomorrow so I'm hoping to meet my goal by then!
Emergency fundraiser for Pookie! Trying to raise $300 for her vet bills to treat her!! Anything helps, will be listing stuff for sale under here, RTs and donations appreciated!
pookie won't touch anything but churu treats, i put a bunch of her favorites (chicken and cheese) in the refrigerator for her to eat bc she won't even look at anything else. bleh the earliest appointment i could get was 4 pm and i'm scared
my roommates found a kitten stuck in a tree in our backyard and named it OSHA Violation
I had to google what the heck you were talking about lmao
(whispering to when the shadout mapes comes on screen) that's the shadout mapes
can u make it so that i don't have anxiety and intrusive thoughts anymore
The dress my partner got me for our 4th anniversary is very Dorothy-coded so I decided to wear my ruby slippers with them and a lady on the bus wanted to take a picture lol
Remembering John Anthony Genzale aka Johnny Thunders, punk rock guitarist, member of the New York Dolls and the Heartbreakers, born on this day in 1952, Queens, New York City Photo by Bob Gruen #punkrock #johnnythunders #newyorkdolls #heartbreakers #punkrockhistory #history
if neil didn't want me to send him the greatest music the soviet union had to offer he shouldn't have followed me on instagram
shout out to comrades leigh and claire for their donations, we're at $63/$300 now. Pookie's vet appointment is tomorrow so I'm hoping to meet my goal by then!
Emergency fundraiser for Pookie! Trying to raise $300 for her vet bills to treat her!! Anything helps, will be listing stuff for sale under here, RTs and donations appreciated!
But at least we're not communists! That would be worse bc then we couldn't buy burger
some of you did not get your asses beat enough, the shit you say to complete strangers with your whole chest is wild, about innocent animals no less!!
me waiting for neil hamburger to come back from australia and listen to my 500 soviet pop songs
what it's currently like to be an american
eating ghost pepper chicken soup in 88F weather because i have a cold