Anti Arby's Activist☭☭

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Anti Arby's Activist☭☭

commie pisshead. undying leviathan. cat mom to pookie, chloe, shurik & dusya. she/her. unrepentant buinov stan. economists log off
I'm so proud of my freaky lil heirlooms 😭🥺🍅
Wanted to make piloncillo sweet potato cake but it was way too damn humid to make a meringue so I did the next best thing and smashed mini marshmallows on top and lit them on fire. Not a pretty win but I'll take it!
Wanted to make piloncillo sweet potato cake but it was way too damn humid to make a meringue so I did the next best thing and smashed mini marshmallows on top and lit them on fire. Not a pretty win but I'll take it!
15 years of knife skills later have brought me to raving at my boyfriend about proper knife technique whenever someone cooking on TV holds their knife like a fucking asshole and expects me to take them seriously the whole time
I'm so proud of my freaky lil heirlooms 😭🥺🍅
Finally, the reason you are frustrated / don’t understand why the Democratic Party isn’t doing anything is because for some reason you have particularized and separated them and wonder why you don’t understand. It becomes really easy if you say they have the same or practically the same motivations
This is the alienation that happens as capitalist subjects and it’s at the very root of the logic of captialism. Being a good neighbor in capitalism means being a greedy off putting shit because we are all placed in competition with one another. That’s the whole idea.
Something to stress is that under capitalism it doesn’t matter if people think they are good people. Or if people try to be good people. Exploitation and expropriation will remain as processes. Wealth accumulation and resulting dispossession will occur because we live in a system w class conflict.
What does “bad” mean? It’s not anti society when the society in question is fueled by greed and imperialism. People are motivated by their material conditions (wealth, power) and it’s something no one is immune to. Including people not explicitly “on the right” See: Joe Biden committing genocide
Vader was forced to attend a 2 day workplace conduct seminar so it’s actually considerably better.
imagining HR in the empire is about as helpful to employees facing abuse or harassment from a higher up as HR is in real life
lmao if he thinks HR is there to protect him from his direct report
apparently in the star wars canon after he got choked out by darth vader at work he filed an incident report with HR over it
This guy was such a G for telling his evil wizard cyborg boss that his religion is bullshit during a work meeting.
Today is Nonidi the 19th of Messidor in the year 232. Messidor is the month of harvest. Today we celebrate cherries.
Hey sorry I didn't answer your text I was struggling to exist in the context of all in which I live and came before me
clapping like a dumb little seal when the graphic perfectly connects valery leontevs name like a crossword
Still, there's something inherently violent even about dice rolls. It's like every time you cast a die, something disappears. Some alternative ending, or an entirely different world...
Getting the people largely responsible for the mass death and depravity around the world every year to care by talking
I mean if you think calling the democrats on the phone will make them abandon millions from donor and care about the people under their boot you should probably just do that all day But all that will happen is you will be put on a list and they will hit *clear inbox*
Landlords friend who wanted us to live with wasps is also a fatphobe bc of course she is
YOU - I can't give up. I have to keep going, for Revachol...
Biden's not even all that different, he still carries water for the owning class but if they're gonna give anyone keys to the murder machine its the one who can mobilize and rally the fashos more easily
actually a pretty decent endorsement of how bad he's been for the billionaire class that they are trying to end the constitution to bd rid of him
if i don't kill them the unbaked bread dough will how to ruin my day in one meme
couldn't be me, i'm built different (fell out of a coconut tree)
if i don't kill them the unbaked bread dough will how to ruin my day in one meme