
Folks we all are guilty of armchair QBing campaigns but I think it's pretty uncontroversial to assert that a statement about a SCOTUS ruling that does not talk about either the ruling or SCOTUS is not how to play this.
why is his comms team so fucking shit
robby mook is still getting paid in the dem consultant world you do not move up by being good, you move up by telling the boss what he wants to hear
fun fact: the guy behind the dukakis tank stunt? matt bennett. instead of being thrown to the wolves forever, actually moved significantly UP in the dem consultant/strategist world over the years, being a big member in Third Way and more
was in clinton's administration both times, worked on wesley clark's campaign, literally a co-founder of third way in 2005. his massive failure, just like robby mook's with HRC, did absolutely nothing to slow him down, because the bosses liked him
and it always stands out to me that of all the people HRC blames - bernie, voters, even just 'women' recently - absolutely no venom has ever been spit at her dogshit staff who just kissed her ass instead of being serious about winning.
at least Lis Smith has the clear malice of 'i will do everything to crush your enemies' to explain her still being a regular in the dem consultant/strategist circle, everybody else has 'this guy fucking sucks but they smile at my shitty jokes, good enough for me'