
feels like part of the longstanding trend of "complain about the media, but never do anything about it other than Hope They're Nice To Us" from democrats is that a lot of 'em find the shittiness of the media convenient when they want to knife somebody else in the party
see: the clinton camp constantly harrumphing about But Her Emails, when 8 years earlier the media being total dogshit who'll snap up anything that looks juicy enough sure seemed like a good avenue for shit like this to start circulating around
as always, the obama '08 campaign is the key thing i point to when people talk about how Unfair the media is. it was extremely unfair how the GOP, the media, and hillary clinton herself were extremely racist to him. if his media strategy was 'mope about shit being unfair', probably would've lost.
this isn't some random trans teenager the news is putting in the spotlight for bullshit. this is the president. the media being unfair is baked in. the party has insanely massive warchests, they've had power ranging from committee seats to the presidency, and they've had decades to do something.
if your only strategies to deal with an unfair media is "mope about it being unfair" or "get more racist to try and make them like you", and you've had tons of money and power and decades of time to do something about the problem, my sympathy turns quickly into "oh fucking well".
clinton was getting his ass kicked by limbaugh just on *talk radio* before fox news *existed*. the most powerful people in the dem party's response to media as an issue has been "vote to make it extremely easy for billionaires to buy up all the radio, tv, news, internet" and "mope about it".
"can you believe they're hardly spending any time or page space on the supreme court saying the president is immune?!" absolutely i can! the media is dogshit! what is the dem's plan to make news cycles about SCOTUS? oops! it's "nothing" cuz everybody at the top agrees to be quiet wimps about 'em.
you can't fucking drive a news cycle about the courts when everybody from dick durbin to joe biden himself agrees that the only possible response they can make to SCOTUS is basically a form response with all the energy of an HR rep saying "we are taking these concerns very seriously."
you either get serious about tackling media as a problem as president and as a legislative body, going after monopolies and taking an IRS shaped hammer to white collar crime in this space, or you do some basic fucking driving of news cycles, or ideally, you do both. but "mope about it"? jesus.
Dems regard the mass mobilizing people and public opinion an inherently evil tactic. It is giving in to “the mob”; look at how they denounced Sanders as having large crowds as fascist. The refusal to mobilize people is how you get this rise of fascism and refusal to confront the courts
My favorite horror in this vein is how all the very smart liberal politics knowers rebranded the bully pulpit as 'green lantern theory'. you think the pres and his party can work together to sway public opinion? Then grats you're a stupid spoiled baby who should let the grownups handle it
cannot overstate how tired i am of the whining. "It's not fair!" No shit. Do something about it. Get your hands dirty. Yeah, sure, your dinner parties are gonna be a little more awkward if you do. So fucking what
"ehhhnhnhnhnh but the media will attaaaaack usssssssss if we do somethinggggg" 1. they're attacking you right now 2. once again, do people think everybody was super nice to obama in '08. or that he just floated in there on a string of destiny or some shit
I would like them to so much as be rude. I think Biden said "how about you shut up" once and people loved it but Dem wormbrains went "that was so mean, we can't stoop to that level!"
media, SCOTUS, the GOP as a whole, israel, on and on and ON and ON, the strategy is "hope everything just works out on its own" and "c'mon, be nice to me, please". my sympathy for the most powerful people possibly facing this issue is extremely limited! do something about it, losers!
fundamentally, leadership that doesn't want to lead, that wants everybody else - far less powerful, less secure people than they are - to fix all the problems and take all the risks and do all the work is just not a good fucking strategy to keep power, even if just for corrupt reasons.
tammany hall didn't sit on their asses like this! they put the work in!
Have Bernie Bros considered owning this?
I don't know, as I preferred Hillary in 2016 and do not much care for 'Bernie Bros'. I think some voted Trump in a misguided attempt at 'sharpening the contradictions' (ie Marxist accelerationism), and some others may have been rightists using a Trojan Horse tactic.
I like Sanders personally but think he was long on aspirations and short on plans and executive experience, and that his supporters' understanding of how government works tends to be very shallow. Also Sanders doesn't show strong coalition building skills.
They had ThinkProgress for awhile but they shut that down because the staff tried to unionize lol
people constantly go "we need some kind of liberal counter to the right wing media project" and do not seem to be able to draw any conclusions on "every liberal who's totally fucking loaded has no interest in funding such a thing"
rich republicans dump millions into fucking school board elections, rich democrats go "welp, best of luck"
a system is what it does example number 20363490
Biden's antitrust people are working on that, though there's a long way to go.
part of the problem there of course that biden's antitrust people are good, yes, but have pretty much zero backing/energy from their superiors, nor is leadership actually making it a big deal, biden himself included
picturing an alternate version of the space race where the kind of energy/support NASA is getting from the democrats is "well... you guys keep doing whatever it is you're doing i guess"
There was his 72 point executive order, but then he got a more conservative chief of staff, and he's not doing much. At least they're still going hard at the agencies.
people understandably bring up the good the NLRB and the like is doing and it always makes me feel "hey, cool, any way i can vote for them to be president instead? i bet they got better opinions on palestine too"
Unfortunately, the progressive wing got a few appointments, and I don't feel like Joe is undercutting them, but that's all we got. Though Pete is learning at Transportation that he can't be a doormat and have a future. Now airlines have to automatically refund your money under a lot of circumstances