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Always tired.

They/Them (Elle o Ellos por mi hermanos)

Icon art by @lunarmancy_art on Twitter
"haha trump identifies as a billionaire" "wouldn't it be funny if him and putin had sex" "look i photoshopped drag onto pence" the liberals yearn to say faggot
Reposted byAvatar Juda
And I beg some people to stop pretending that "the Law" is real and that the courts will save them. Many of our communities need to be working on community defense efforts now and I'm just not seeing it.
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Stop Making Sense
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Harpy! This piece is meant to be printed very small. Some experimentation on how this style can still read well at a smaller scale
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JOE BIDEN: abbie what's that song called ME: huh? JOE BIDEN: that song, the trangender song, what's it called. ME: the... JOE BIDEN: the trangender song, by the dresses ME: the... do you mean the black dresses? JOE BIDEN: they might be ME: i- i dunno man. which one. how does it go JOE BIDEN:
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Reposted byAvatar Juda
Buy your books here! Not from Jeff Bezos. bookshop.org
I buy all my books through Bookshop Dot Org. They’re awesome, their site is great, and it helps the cool local shop I’ve designated. Feels good, man!
Bookshop: Buy books online. Support local bookstores.bookshop.org A better way to buy books online. Every purchase financially supports local independent bookstores.
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I absolutely think Biden deserves to be dragged out of his home and ripped apart by wild dogs, but I am willing to shout out a good thing when I see it. Really hoping this effort actually finds some traction.
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court changeswww.washingtonpost.com The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
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Dave Weigel made a joke calling BLM protestors Karens so I replied to him with this picture of himself
What’s your favorite instance of a celebrity blocking you on Twitter?
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Man, I've hated Weigel since i was in high school, and it's so fucking funny to see that grudge bear fruit a fucking decade later lmao
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It's always good to bring up the time I accidentally stumbled on Dave Weigel's old Whedonesque account from his college days, where he described himself as "a Reagan Republican second and a Buffy fan first".
If he blocks or deletes when he realizes this is a bad look:
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i am a proponent of what i call 'Bigger Faggot Theory', which is that small-c conservatives will pretend to be cool with you & your whole deal only as long as they have a bigger faggot to contend with. after that it's your turn in the thresher
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I wrote an essay about transfeminine disposability and epistemic injustice, about how easy it is for people to demonize transfems, to construct theories and histories of us detached from our lived reality, and to deny how we are oppressed when vilifying us. I've shared it here for ... no reason.
When the Doll Speakstaliabhattwrites.substack.com Imagine, if you will, the horror one feels, when something that was never meant to have a voice screams.
You know, there are good libertarians out there. Kind, gentle people with an honest ideological aversion to violence. Like Penn Jillette and Radley Balko. The problem is, however, those are the only two i can name and i don't think either call themselves libertarian anymore
Never forget who these people are.
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whatever, i always liked kyle better anyway
Reposted byAvatar Juda
This includes garden clubs, volunteer groups, immigrant rights orgs, prisoner rights orgs, climate justice orgs, abortion rights orgs... the list is endless.
Reposted byAvatar Juda
This is a really good time if you're not already connected to local groups and organizations organizing around particular issues to find ones in your communities that could use your talents and skills.
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If trans women make a critique of a guy for working for a transphobic publication and, within under a week, his supporters are using transphobic language for rhetorical victory points that kind of proves the trans women's point, doesn't it.
what are we even doing here, man
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Reposted byAvatar Juda
The seven survivors of @scumbelievable.bsky.social 's Cuckoo. Going left to right from the top: Shelby, Mal, Lara, Nadine, John, Jo, and Felix.
Reposted byAvatar Juda
Anytime I go to make a joke, I look up the key words first so I don’t embarrass myself like every single dork in the “Jodie foster” search
"Doomerism is privileged" what if i threw a rock at you
"Political violence has no place in america" lol. lmao
anyhow caught up on some movies i'd been meaning to watch, rewatched the alien trilogy, played some elden ring, and made some kickass chile rellenos for my birthday, so thing's are going pretty well at casa de juda