
They don’t want to fight, they want to get credit for being the smartest boy who predicted exactly how we’d lose
Yeah, this might finally break my brain to become fully stancil-pilled, the entire left side of the political spectrum appears to actively desire jumping off a cliff
and parlay that into multiyear six figure appearance contracts on cable news.
I don't know to what extent this is the mix of people's motives, but it frequently gets floated out there and it is such a short-sighted read of the risks that come with a second Trump term. Further Orbanization of the media environment is likely and there's some risk of flat gov speech oppression.
it's an oversimplification for sure. but the fact is these folks make a LOT of money on perceived savvy, whichever party is in power. if they can get out front and try to appear to have "called it," regardless what happens in november, they get paid, as consultants, as press, as "insiders"
Yeah, I buy that this has some pull. I just think it's incredibly naive about how genuinely authoritarian Trump is and how dismantled institutional resistance to those impulses will be. People's livelihoods and even their lives can easily be at risk.
i 100% agree. i'm related to some of these people. i called them in november 16 to talk about strategy moving forward - they didn't care. they were getting paid no matter what.
related *by marriage* to be clear.