
See what I mean? Already Macron's side is arguing that they deserve to be either in charge or part of a coalition which they want to hold the reins to. Macron caused this situation, did his best to ignore or scupper the anti-fascist NFP strategy, but wants the pie none the less.
What's happening RIGHT NOW on TV: something very familiar in countries with a full parliamentary regime — fight over coalitions. Macronists + center-right arguing this isn't a Left win; suggesting a center-left to center-right unity gov. Left insisting this is a Left win. How united will it be?
That comment about the actual numbers is hurting my brain. 43 is not 'around 25-30' 😫
Yeah, I did see that and went "hang on..."
I tried to respond but just couldn't find a way that wouldn't end up getting me blocked