
I remember an argument I had, more than twenty years ago now, where I predicted that the conservative project was destined to lose because, I reasoned, the politics of resentment and negation of progressive victories would ultimately fail because people wouldn't want to give up that progress.
That was so naive. If anything the opposite now seems true: progress feels fleeting and fragile and requires more sustained effort by too many people to keep up indefinitely. Meanwhile the bad guys are relentless, and can achieve their goals with just a few dedicated agents and a lot of money.
How, in a democracy, do you fight a movement that can gain and maintain power despite never achieving a majority of voters? If you can lose elections but still enact your agenda, you haven't really lost. Ironic but probably foreseeable that America's minoritarian protections ended up destroying us.
And as much as I hate punching back at my own team, "well now we have to win with overwhelming majorities" is not a real plan. That's Green Lantern talk, magic wand shit. Pure hopium. American politics just doesn't shake out that way.
Anyway I'm going to walk my dogs and continue trying to scrape enough money together to live. Actuarially speaking I've probably got about thirty more years in me, give or take. My plan is to spend it doing something personally fulfilling and shuffle off the mortal coil before the world burns.
I'm 6'6", and I approve this message!