
I remember an argument I had, more than twenty years ago now, where I predicted that the conservative project was destined to lose because, I reasoned, the politics of resentment and negation of progressive victories would ultimately fail because people wouldn't want to give up that progress.
That was so naive. If anything the opposite now seems true: progress feels fleeting and fragile and requires more sustained effort by too many people to keep up indefinitely. Meanwhile the bad guys are relentless, and can achieve their goals with just a few dedicated agents and a lot of money.
How, in a democracy, do you fight a movement that can gain and maintain power despite never achieving a majority of voters? If you can lose elections but still enact your agenda, you haven't really lost. Ironic but probably foreseeable that America's minoritarian protections ended up destroying us.
And as much as I hate punching back at my own team, "well now we have to win with overwhelming majorities" is not a real plan. That's Green Lantern talk, magic wand shit. Pure hopium. American politics just doesn't shake out that way.
Anyway I'm going to walk my dogs and continue trying to scrape enough money together to live. Actuarially speaking I've probably got about thirty more years in me, give or take. My plan is to spend it doing something personally fulfilling and shuffle off the mortal coil before the world burns.
I'm 6'6", and I approve this message!
here’s the thing about victory: there’s no ending here. the story keeps going.
your mistake was of how Americans will burn down their own house rather than share a single lollipop
giving up entirely now is the one thing that will in fact guarantee that they win
I am a wood & metal worker, so I suppose I could craft a number of guillotines
And this particular war is well into its second century, so it feels premature to call it wrapped up
This war has been going on for mellinia and never stops. Rest Hydrate Get back in there & fight
*Millennia mellinia is the plural form of Trump's wife 😛
As an inebriated individual, I am only going to respond with this
Michael Franti & Spearhead - Brighter Day (Official Music Video) Michael Franti & Spearhead - Brighter Day (Official Music Video) Stream / Purchase: Follow Michael Franti & Spearhead: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - Website - Lyrics: Don't give up when your heart is weary Don't give up when your eyes are teary Don't give up when your voice is trembling When your life needs mendin' Don't give up when the hurt is near you Don't give up when the world seems to be broken I'm still hopin' With my heart open ayy ay For a brighter day Don't give up when your pride is bruised and Don't give up when you fear you're losin' Don't give up in your darkest hour Cause you got that power Don't give up when you feel divided Don't give up I'll be by your side unbroken I'm still hopin' With my heart open ayy ay For a brighter day And if you stay with me I will stay with you For a brighter day For a brighter day For a brighter day For a brighter day Don't give up you just keep on fightin' Don't give up you just keep on fightin' Don't give up you just keep on fightin' Even when your eyes are cryin' Don't give up you just keep on fightin' Don't give up you just keep on fightin' Don't give up Even when your eyes are cryin' For a brighter day For a brighter day For a brighter day For a brighter day And if you stay with me I will stay with you For a brighter day Don't give up you just keep on fightin' For a brighter day #MichaelFranti #BrighterDay #FollowYourHeart
to win they have to literally kill us and hopefully there is a fight before that
On the other hand, the end of Chevron deference & the GOP ratfucking of the administrative state means that any future Democratic presidential victory is now only a Pyrrhic victory.
It still goddamn beats the alternative and gives us way more levers to fight with.
I agree but it means that it will suck to be a Democratic president for the foreseeable future & I worry how that will degrade the quality of candidates we get later.
It will and people pre-emptively claiming that that means "the bad guys one" will achieve nothing but making that dynamic even worse. Do literally anything else with your time and energy other than spewing self-aggrandizing doomer shit all over.
I agree with your larger point about doomerism, but you can't also be all "clap harder" when we have some very negative outcomes, as losing Chevron deference will be. As Gramsci said, "Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will."
Chevron had only existed since 1984. There were in fact policy victories prior to that.
Do your own research, lol.
Wasn't Chevron a de jure codification for what had been de facto since the New Deal policy state? I don't think we have that going for us now unless there's a plausible plan for changing the composition of SCOTUS right quick.
More than, as i understand it. It was a substantial expansion. Will defer to people whose job this is, though.
Not really. It's a necessary victory, since replacing SCOTUS is strategically important. (As it was before, tbh.)
A pyrrhic victory would be, say, overruling Dobbs, thereby achieving a big ideological victory that Rs have wanted for decades, and as a direct result losing the presidency, the congress, and the judiciary. (And getting stronger abortion protections in place as a result.)
Thank YOU, correct person
I hope that is the case but Dobbs has definitely already done some damage.
Yeah, like the endgame for this is obvious- the right wing judiciary gets tired of the chaos they created and reinstutites Chevron 2 (which was created for the Reagan admin, FFS). It will just take an unknown number of years for this to happen.
We're still breathing. Nothing is over. And if they do win, we're going to make that victory feel like defeat. If they devour us, we'll choke them with our bones.
If the war were over the right wouldn't be working so darn hard to convince us it is. All of what's been done can be undone but we who wish for progress have to actually get off our asses and do something rather than doom scrolling.
Absolutely NOT. You have lost with that attitude, but the rest of us are sure as goddamned hell not giving up that orange threat to democracy.
Was it over with the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
No, it’s just time to overturn Marbury v. Madison
“Somtimes you didn’t want to know the end - because how could the end be happy? But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it’ll shine out the clearer. There’s some good in this world - and its worth fighting for.”
I'm 5'2, and I ain't done...take a cue from last night's debate and sit down this one out if you're tiring, tall one.
The bad guys won decades ago, but they’ve been beaten before and can be again. No final victories, no final defeats.
They won a battle, not the war. This is a forever war we're fighting here, against the assholes of the world
The modern conservative movement that started in the wake of the Civil Rights Act and Roe has won every victory it set out to, and is now moving on to undoing even more of the Third American Republic that was built so painstakingly from FDR on
You're not wrong. But that's no reason to give up.
Can I take a break for a while or is that not permitted