
I was a Gravel teen in 2008. Him and Kucinich seemed the only reasonable guys on stage in the primary debates when I was 15, because they were loudly talking about Iraq and had the voting records to back it up. Kucinich becoming a pro-Trump guy was predictable I guess but disappointing
The Iraq War was such a moral cancer on this country and I feel like we really don't talk enough about it anymore
You could see the people knowing it was bullshit deciding in real time that going along with it was easier/better for their careers. Once I saw it there, I noticed it everywhere. A country where the people in power, the people with voices, are almost universally cowards.
Shhhh…we all voted for Obama to avoid ever having to talk about it.
I was so angry watching that debate as Gravel called everyone on the stage war criminals and they all just laughed.
Fuck I did not know that about Kucinich
He was on Fox News a bunch during the Trump admin as I recall praising Trump for going after the deep state. He denounced J6 though
His fundraising emails over the past decade-plus have charted a really distressing (and non-unique) evolution
in particular I remember a magazine profile about the Gravel team where after some TV appearance he was annoyed that his staffers disregarded his instructions to gather up all the food in the green room and take it back to campaign HQ