Harvey Fliester

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Harvey Fliester


Just a guy with nonsense opinions, go follow someone interesting instead.
bad luck for biden to run in an electoral cycle where "are you old" is the most important issue instead of in one of the cycles where email security procedures or accuracy of vietnam war medal citations was the most important issue in the country.
And speaking of Baltimore, I'm sure my followers are waiting on pins and needles for my latest update on our astonishing fall in homicides. The wait is over! 😏
IN 150 CHARACTERS OR LESS Everything is on fire, but everyone I love is doing beautiful things and trying to make life worth living, and I know I don't have to believe in everything, but I believe in that. From these are the words by Nikita Gill (Macmillan Children's Books, 2022)
What if - and hear me out - from now on, we judge debate performance by the accuracy of the participants statements?
“It is not just that my side — the ideas I believe in like bodily autonomy, economic justice and diversity — are losing in the marketplace of ideas. It is that many of the ideas that I believe in absolutely kill in the marketplace of ideas, and it *does not matter*.”
Opinion | Whoever the Democratic Candidate Is, Americans Have Already Lostwww.nytimes.com The American Republic feels fragile.
Biden's "as long as I tried my best" sums up the problem with the last 8 years. The people we elected to fix our fascism problem don't believe the danger is real. No matter how good his policies, this is what be remembered, a man who didn't understand the times.
This photo is pure 2024.
On this 4th of July, some wisdom from my old Latin professor: "Caesar had himself declared dictator in perpetuum. What does 'in perpetuum' mean? It means it's time to kill him!"
We used to live around the block from Elizabeth Warren, and I personally witnessed her giving out full-size candy bars on Halloween, I’m just saying
My wife and I ran into her and her husband when our daughter was a newborn, and she was really touched when my wife told her how she was glad to have a role model for our daughter representing us. My wife came away from the interaction an even bigger fan.
For me it’s not that I’m either ok or not ok with Biden as a candidate it’s that my brain cannot rationalize that the media has so uniformly freaked out about him while remaining comparatively serene about all the other far worse stuff in the past two weeks.
Shocking scenes as a major G7 country votes decisively for the not completely shitty option
So hey, I know one candidate is old, but has the other guy done anything lately, like promising to imprison or kill his opponents, hold politicized military tribunals, exile people for their skin color, deny them healthcare or the right to marry? Anything like that? Sure would be nice to know!
the very few of trump's sentences that actually meant anything coherent were full on monstrous hitler shit and nobody cares
It’s weird that US political journalists don’t seem to think the President Trump being accused of multiple sex crimes against minors is worth covering as much as Joe Biden being old, right?
When asked by the border guard where I was coming from when crossing back to the US from Canada I once answered, "Canada."
I think most of the individual people in those areas are probably people who, if we divorced them from the media feeding them tales, would actually be a lot better than they appear at first glance. My main issue isn't with them. It's with the conglomerate capture.
Like, it's just interesting to me that Trump directs violence at his enemies, threatens people constantly, has committed multiple sexual assaults and fraud, and there is an ecosystem of judges to protect him from any fallout, and the elite of this country just cannot stop talking about Biden's age.
This is, very clearly, the future for America.
Update: Cambodian court handed jail terms of up to 8-10 years to 10 activists of an environmental group on charges of plotting against the government and insulting the king www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/c...
Yup. Even if Biden wins a clear electoral win in November, they will attempt to steal it in January, attempting to force the choice of Presidency into a Congressional state delegations vote (that Trump will win.)
this is continuing the Republican project of treating certification of the vote as not a ceremonial and administrative process, but as an official opportunity to overrule the voters. this argument explicitly is saying that Pence interfering in the certification would be an official act
You know how sometimes in war there’s the one side who has rules and thinks they know how war is fought but then they’re shocked, SHOCKED, when the other side runs out of the bushes and like, stabs their horses and shit? And that side wins? Yeah I think about that phenomenon a lot these days.
Imagine thinking that unlimited power in the hands of one person will always be used only against people you don't like.
Simply put, neither the Supreme Court nor the Presidency should exist. In a modern country, they would have a constitutional court, and a prime minister—not the king and clerics we are governed by. The American political system is outdated, corrupt, and ultimately not worth saving.
I’m just so pleased that the court decided homeless people can be arrested for existing, the government cannot govern, and the president cannot be prosecuted for committing crimes, all in the same week. Blitzkrieg doesn’t begin to cover what has happened to the rule of law.
“democrats have to win every election forever” is not a sustainable solution and it is quite literally the one we are facing unless we break the power of this court
The electoral problem has become, as the IRA gloated to Thatcher, that the GOP only needs to get lucky once and the Democrats need to be lucky forever. Either they’re going to do something about the court - now, not eventually - or we will simply play iterations of this game until the GOP wins.
look i'll be clear, I will be voting, and encouraging everyone I know to do the same, against donald trump and the end of democracy in this country in november. I do not care if that means i'm voting for a man who is literally dead.
"With fear for our democracy, I dissent," is about as bedrock and terrifying and vital a statement as you're going to get. That's a line you spraypaint on walls, that you ink into your skin. And it's chilling that it is necessary to say at all.
Justice Sotomayor, in conclusion.
So, as an official act of holding insurrectionists to account as dictated by the constitution Biden can just F'n shoot Trump now, correct?