Scott Priestle

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Scott Priestle

Former sportswriter, still and always a fan of good sports and good writing. Husband, father, community activist, youth sports coach.
“They’re seeking to extract from the system, without creating any corresponding value for the system. The patients are the ones that are suffering.” This is what happens when we value profits over patient care. #stopPBMabuse
The Opaque Industry Secretly Inflating Prices for Prescription Pharmacy benefit managers are driving up drug costs for millions of people, employers and the government.
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too good not to share.
My wife is a bad*ss. More importantly, she is a gifted and selfless healthcare provider in an industry that is dying because of corporate greed.
We have decided healthcare is just another profit-making enterprise, so it should not be surprising when the pursuit of profit leads to fewer providers, longer waits, bigger bills, and less help. I appreciate any effort to put healthcare above healthy profits:
Can new rules in Ohio address a pharmacy staffing shortage and improve care? Short staffing and delayed prescriptions lead to new rules for pharmacies.
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I’ve been beating this drum myself so really glad to see lay it out so well here. This isn’t a contest between two individuals; it’s a contest between two radically different agendas for the country and two very different coalitions.
Opinion | Don’t Think of It as a Contest Between Biden and What matters even more than the candidates is the coalitions they lead.
I have no idea what constitutes a "football move" or a "catch" in the NFL these days - but as long as the Steelers are losing, I'm OK with whatever the officials say.
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Rome - Naples - Gallo Matese. 3 days, 3 cities, 3 very different vibes, 1 amazing vacation.
So, the Reds just gave Joey Votto's roster spot to a slightly better player and committed an extra $32 million to do so? This front office is remarkably efficient at killing my enthusiasm every time a new bud sprouts.
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To be clear, extremely rich people with stuff to hide and a fading grip on power are trying to sue investigative journalism out of existence. Really up to American citizens if we survive this. Demand more out of execs running these places who don’t understand this yet.
Some of these national trends are particularly relevant to youth leagues in Cincinnati: more families and funds moving to pay-to-play teams, which erodes recreational teams/leagues; and harder to find coaches and referees/umpires.
I wonder if this explains the recent rash of break-ins in West Price Hill. Dozens of cars hit, no evidence of anything stolen. They left my neighbor's laptop on the seat. Makes sense if they were only looking for guns and cash.
Scary stuff
Donald Trump and his allies have begun mapping out specific plans for using the federal government to punish critics and opponents should he win a second term, with the former president naming individuals he wants to investigate or prosecute.
Trump and allies plot revenge, Justice Department control in a second Advisers have also discussed deploying the military to quell potential unrest on Inauguration Day. Critics have called the ideas under consideration dangerous and unconstitutional.
This is scary stuff. They aren't even trying to hide their authoritarian dreams (not that they ever did).
Purple Friday, playoff edition
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It's amazing what happens when you actually try to support low-income people. Think of the difference this makes in terms of the number of random life crises you can weather: "People in the bottom quarter had a net worth of $3,500 in 2022, up from $400 in 2019."
American Household Wealth Jumped in the Pandemic stimulus, a strong job market and climbing stock and home prices boosted net worth at a record pace, Federal Reserve data showed.
First day here at Bluesky and it already feels familiar. 😂🤦‍♂️
the "obeying speed limits in a school zone is a privilege" discourse is exploding my mind
End of feed.