Scott Hansen 🔻🍉

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Scott Hansen 🔻🍉

Dirty socialist software dev and functional / technical consultant from Tauranga NZ / Aotearoa || proudly #antifascist || intermittent #photographer || he/him || From the River to the Sea. || kei te tautoko ahau i te tiriti o waitangi
The Biden admin has gone from “concern” to “serious concern”. Shouldn’t be long before “very concerned”, then “highly concerned” before ending with “absolutely concerned”, whilst doing nothing to stop it.
A lot of news of the attempted Trump assassination, but I have seen nothing on the other big story - the documents case - the BIG ONE has been completely dismissed by Trump's lacky judge. The US and by extension, the World are absolutely screwed.
I wholeheartedly agree. | "So let’s use this opportunity not only to fixate our eyes and attention on the US, but also look within, and see how our people can rise to the challenge of those who would divide us too. New Zealand is worth it."
Mountain Tui: Trump’s shooting reveals a hidden danger for New Zealand Trump’s shooting has left the world shocked and bewildered. But what, if anything, does it mean for us here in New Zealand?
I am not coping at the moment. I have been working on a POC for a client that will hopefully improve the performance of an API I have been working on. I have gone well over estimated hours. Main manager is querying my line manager. I just now had a senior dev call me and query me about my decisions
dude how is there a dril tweet predicting this
I think the next time a State Department spokesman says to a reporter that they're waiting for Israel to reach its own conclusions in an investigation of themselves the reporter should throw a giant rock at the spokesman
The US is past Joever. it's Bidone. Keep on rooting for elder abuse, libs. It's going to go really well for you...
He should end his campaign simply because of a bad debate? The families of potentially 200,000 people who have died to American weapons would like to have a word… In this worst timeline, having a bad debate performance is somehow worse than facilitating a genocide. Make it make sense.
Most Democrats nationwide say that President Biden should end his reelection campaign based on his performance in the presidential debate two weeks ago, according to a Washington Post-ABC News-Ipsos poll.
Most Democrats want Biden to drop out, but overall race is static, poll More than half of Democrats say Biden should end his candidacy. Overall, 2 in 3 adults say the president should step aside, including more than 7 in 10 independents.
Why do so many people only type in lower case? It makes reading their posts unbearable for me.
Yeah - nah. Biden is complicit in the murder of potentially 200,000+ innocent people. He continues to be complicit. No person with a shred of moral decency would vote for either of them.
My Slate essay on why leftists should vote for the Democratic Presidential candidate this November, despite everything:
The Leftist Case for Voting—Yes, Even for We need to think about this election differently. Just look at France.
This story is horrific even as it confirms what everyone looking at this already knew- that Palestinians are killed for sport, that there are no limitations on their deaths and that they can kill anyone they like with no rules or regulations impeding them
‘I’m bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army’s approval of free-for-all violence in Israeli soldiers describe the near-total absence of firing regulations in the Gaza war, with troops shooting as they please, setting homes ablaze, and leaving corpses on the streets — all with their c...
Israeli forces fatally shot 14-year-old Ghassan Gharib Hussein Zahran in the back while he played with friends yesterday in the occupied West Bank. Israeli settlers and soldiers attacked Palestinian residents who tried to reach Ghassan while he bled out. Defense for Children International.
Israeli forces fatally shoot 14-year-old Palestinian boy in the back near Israeli forces shot and killed 14-year-old Ghassan Gharib Hussein Zahran in Deir Abu Mashal on July 9.
It looks like the Israeli military dropped leaflets in Gaza city telling them all to evacuate but it was a trick, where they had set up snipers covering the evacuation trail and began to pick out targets as people fled.
This is an awesome result. is an amazing science communicator, and was (and is!) absolutely resolute with the truth.
Dr Siouxsie Wiles awarded $20,000 in general damages following employment case
Some work I had lined up has been delayed by 6 weeks, I'll be calling round temp agencies Monday morning and I'm not going to starve or anything, but if you've been thinking about getting a premium subscription to Feijoa Dispatch that would help right now
Feijoa Dispatch | Byron Clark | Byron Clark and guest writers looking at disinformation and the alt-right. Click to read Feijoa Dispatch, by Byron Clark, a Substack publication with thousands of subscribers.
I had my first appointment of two for an autism diagnosis today (Turns out I may have ADHD as well). It won't be long before I finally (or not!) have answers for *waves hands everywhere* everything.
i turned on the tv and two old men are arguing about golf
Maybe feeling like “at this point we just have to hope they die of old age” is a strong indication that this is not a functioning state
We see through the lies. The gaslighting by Israel and the US no longer works. There is NO defense for what is happening in Gaza, for supporting this genocide, for the last 76 years of oppression.
INCREDIBLE. Israel publishes footage of bombing someone on a bicycle, calling him a PIJ operative. Doctors Without Borders condemns the attack which killed Fadi and 5 other people including 3 children, while he was cycling to work near the clinic where he was providing care.
Watching a video on how difficult the new Elden Ring expansion is. As expected, the comments are full of nongs saying "Just git gud"; "Easy mode would ruin the game". Shut the fuck up. Easy mode has no effect on those that enjoy pointless pain. Difficulty modes make games more accessible.
It's not OK for venues to keep letting Destiny call the shots. Police need to step up if the bigots are making people unsafe. Upper Hutt drag king storytime cancelled after ‘threats’ and opposition from Destiny Church
Drag storytime cancelled after 'threats' and opposition from Destiny A city councillor said people had 'threatened our team'.
Selling stolen Palestinian land in the West Bank to settlers in the United States while Israel is committing an unconscionable genocide is certainly a choice that some people can choose to make. I personally believe that is a choice that deserves to be ridiculed and condemned as truly evil shit.
The Biden administration is 100% complicit in genocide. No ifs, ands or buts. They are as culpable as the Israeli government.
Intercept reports that documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show that Biden provided Israel with US Air Force officers who helped target Israeli airstrikes in Gaza
Biden Admin Deployed Air Force Team to Israel to Assist With Targets, Document Guidance issued for intelligence officers in Israel appears to show the U.S. military providing intelligence for airstrikes in Gaza.