Summer Stall

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Summer Stall

Big dog
I said "oh hell yeah" when I saw that I packed breathe right strips I didn't know I had in my luggage
A better question than how often men think about the Roman empire would be how often do men think about the 1997 film Men in Black starring Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones.
An annoying thing I've noticed about bluesky is that I often see discourse about the news of the day (e.g. the Drew Barrymore thing) but I have to go to Twitter to find the actual *source* of the news. That disconnect is why I only log in here like once a week
Reposted byAvatar Summer Stall
Four years ago I wrote something about how we need 9/11 jokes as an alternative to the people who insist we must remember 9/11 the “right way” for their own political ends, and I repost it every year
Avatar is one of the greatest modern-day philosophers
I don't listen to their music and pretty sure I won't like it but "Wicca Phase Springs Eternal" is one of my favorite ever band names
Reposted byAvatar Summer Stall
we should really just formalize august as a vacation month for everyone rather than the informal system we have now where half of everyone in every office is out and the other half can't get most of their work done because of the former
I figured out what's missing on this website: Bands. Artists. Hell, even brands. Until then, it's not really real to me
Wife: there's a new season of only murders! Child: what's murders mean?
Reposted byAvatar Summer Stall
It turns out that making workers happy is actually good for business.
Every time I listen to Stage Four I only make it as far as "Displacement" before and I break down and start bawling. If that doesn't do me in, "Benediction" will.
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2010: Elon Musk is the real-life Tony Stark 2023: Elon Musk is the real-life Mr. Bean
Please stop putting aquafor on your baby registry it's $12 at Walgreens
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Reposted byAvatar Summer Stall
Greinke would have given these two answers in quick success, and is therefore the best baseball player.
Reposted byAvatar Summer Stall
Ever since I started working remotely I take a little 10 minute walk in the sun after any soul sucking task or meeting and it has completely changed my life. This should be legally protected
Reposted byAvatar Summer Stall
Bluesky is for people who are terminally online in the “it’s ya boy tarantula dick” sort of way while Threads is for people who are terminally online in the “everything in my life is Content” sort of way
Reposted byAvatar Summer Stall
On my 8th social media app in 20 years: This is it. This is the one that will make me famous.
Reposted byAvatar Summer Stall
My first post will be cringe because I want to shout out for the invite. Expect more cringe from me going forward.
End of feed.