
New Deltapoll figures show the Labour-Conservative crossover point is now *71*.
Where did this idea of older people changing into Tory voters come from? Is it a myth? I am more Socialist than I have ever been and have become more so as my interest in politics has increased.
It’s general not specific. 71 is the age where you are *most likely* to vote Conservative but lots and lots won’t.
It’s also an observed fact - but it doesn’t take into account the pressures that generations endure. Back in the 1950s there was a lot of post-war pressure to conform & not grumble over rations etc - in the 1970s the same boomers came of age & rebelled against their youthful experiences.
Hence the move towards more personal freedom etc that thatcher tapped into. Current generations don’t have those formative experiences & instead see wealth disparity, crumbling services & no ‘trickle down’ effect - so the ‘natural’ move towards Toryism (I.e. protect own wealth) is greatly diluted.