
And here you are, fucking defending reservations, because of course you would. Nevermind those people were ethnically cleansed from their land like Palestinians, or that their situation isn't a positive one even when left mostly alone. You dumb nazi fuck. This was exactly what I wanted from you.
Do you call all of the micronations within the USA, created for particular indigenous peoples, evil ethnostates that shouldn't exist and that displaced the white people whose land was taken back by the gov to create them? By your logic, you must.
You want the indigenous nations within America to be dissolved?
It's their fucking country asshole!
I'm not sure if this.particular frothy incoherent means that the indigenous people of the USA own the the US, or if the Palestinians own Israel. The one has a slight resemblance to reality; the other is the usual moonshine addled drivel the world has come to expect of a certain percentage of Yanks.