
I try to separate snowden the leaker from snowden the poster but man,,,
the latest Snowden leak: his brain from his ears
10 years ago I thought Snowden was a hero. Now it's really hard to not think that he was a Russian asset who did something that we deserved, but for the wrong reasons.
i don’t think he was a russian asset. i do think it’s probably likely assange made a deal with russia and trapped him there
wikileaks was controlling his escape route once he was in hong kong and it was assanges idea and he navigated him to pass through russia
yeah sarah harrison was with him the whole time once he left hong kong. i think and the deputy director of nsa said the same that he believes snowden genuinely wanted to get to south america it was also assange that fake ‘leaked’ that snowden was in morales plane with him when obama got it grounded
there was in 2011 or 12 a big internal fight at wikileaks that assange almost lost and would have been forced out and in the alt history where that happens the world is a much better place and possibly crypto doesn’t take off
I *need* to know how crypto figures into this
credit card/banking ban against wikileaks, wikileaks used bitcoin to circumvent it and boosted the currency a ton on twitter when btc was still very niche
Huh. Thanks Julian, you may have killed us all